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Bah, you n00bs. I'm at 60% warn. Twice for all caps, once because Celtica only reminded me of the word tact, and not the meaning of it (Contrary to what they tell you, D3)... once for posting that Suprnova was back, once for immaturity, once for double posting.


Btw, NRG, who did you call a dumbass? I wouldn't be surprised if it were me when I first joined. I needed Dr. Dennis Leary to tell me to "SHUT THE . UP!"

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I remember KB back when he would always post emo-y stuff.


Here's my warn history, mod names edited for anonymity:

Warned by Notes

anonymous Warned on Jul 12 2005, 11:00 PM

Added to warn level Violation of Rules..

We DO NOT promote illegal activities at OCC



6. Absolutely NO warez links, requests, discussions, or suggestions. Don't even hint around about it. This includes cracks, serial numbers, download links, etc. The same goes for pornographic material, drugs, or any other illegal activities. - OverclockersClub will not be held responsible for your actions.


7. Do not post messages that violate Federal, State, or Local laws which include, but are not limited to, anything that violates a copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or is bound by NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). - See Rule #6.

anonymous Warned on Jul 5 2005, 09:29 AM

Added to warn level Warn Reason: Using "F" word in news comments.

Action: Temp Ban 1 day

anonymous Warned on Feb 3 2005, 10:47 AM

Removed from warn level Lowering warning

anonymous Warned on Aug 11 2004, 01:20 AM

Added to warn level Please do not add useless posts to threads. In reference to the "Highly Dissapointed Thread" This does not help contribute to the thread.



The first one was some topic about Virtual-Octane. The second was something about Internet Explorer, so I put "**** IE", only that word wasn't censored. The third one I was talking about Supr- I mean, "the site that doesn't exist".

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I have been hear a while never been warned or banned. I find the best strategy is not to go into or look at the OCC Member's Lounge because there's usually people who argue and say swears and might get you introuble. Also if somone doesn't like what you say just agree with it don't argue about it. Also being warned will probably reduce your chance of be a mod if you want to be one.

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Bah, you n00bs. I'm at 60% warn. Twice for all caps, once because Celtica only reminded me of the word tact, and not the meaning of it (Contrary to what they tell you, D3)... once for posting that Suprnova was back, once for immaturity, once for double posting.


Btw, NRG, who did you call a dumbass? I wouldn't be surprised if it were me when I first joined. I needed Dr. Dennis Leary to tell me to "SHUT THE . UP!"




Actually I think I told you to use tact...or..look it up...something to that effect ;-).

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You should force D3 to work here again, or hes going camping on the sofa for a month :)



That isn't going to happen. I have no desire to work at OverclockersClub.com anymore. ;) I don't mind to help people out in a reply to a post or something like that, but that's where I'm drawing the line.


While I was a staff member, I may have been the most strict of them all, but I'd like to think I was at least fair at the same time. I had no problem handing out a warning or even a temp ban, but I rarely perm banned someone. I also tried to look at warning levels of people I saw helping out (ClayMeow, Kevin, HSS, KB,bitchplz, and others), and if they were good, I'd lower it. Hell, I even talked LP into unbanning a number of people. ;)


There were so many times I wanted to ban someone for no other reason than for being an idiot. And I probably could have and received a joyous outcry from the general public, but I tried to do the right thing. Heh... I've actually recieved a number of PM'ed requests for certain people to be banned. :P


i just have one thing to add...  be GLAD I'm not a mod :)  many people would be warned / banned on a daily basis...  OCC would be down to a dozen members :(



You don't understand just how hard it was to keep from doing that. ;)

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I agree. sounds good.

I know what you mean.


Lets see.. member for 2 year. Never warned or anything. and I hang out in the ally and politics areas a lot.


Maybe I should be more expressive.  get away from me Exeter. :P JK


and just for fun. This thread: Banning -> politics -> porn -> banning. Where to now?


Im actually surprised at myself aswell, I mean I dont have an Insane number of posts, but i've been here for almost exactly a year (in like 5 days or something)

but I guess I never really get in debates, since I mainly come on occ to just discuss, or ask questions

I have double posted before, but it was by accident

and I will admit, i have once like asked the same question on 2 different forums, but one was kinda added on to the main question so it wasnt like I asked 2 same questions, i guess thats why I never got warned

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Btw, NRG, who did you call a dumbass?


not you, but funnily enough it *was* someone doing a "i hate you all, i'm leaving occ, bye... oh wait, bye... oh not really i love you i hate you but bye"


lol... i think he's grown up now and perfected his wire-routing to an art

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Bosco, it wasn't an attack towards you at all. My point was that the link was there, and even if edited out, it's still in quotes, etc.


I got banned for calling Jane Fonda an "innapropriate word" that rhymes with itch. We have a user here with the name 'bitchplz'. How is that any different? It still says ... that word.



I was warned for calling her the same thing,LOL, which she is!! :blink:

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