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Questions About X850xt And X850xt Platinum!

Assassin X

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maybe, just maybe...people prefer the non-sm3 cards for whatever reason? most people cant afford the high-end Nvidia cards, and the middle range ones get owned by lower range ati as the nvidia 6 series are looking dated compared to the like x800's available. sorry for those who dont wanna hear it, but it's true.


and also because of an intangible asset we call: brand strength. you cant see it, but it's there. ati have got a strong foothold of the market because of quality. nvidia lost some ground with gf5 series (which, lets be honest, sucked quite a lot of hairy balls)



true, except, one can have a 6800GS for $209 right now, and only the very highest end x800XTPE/x850XTPE's beat it FPS wise, and they still lack SM3.0............


What card is A and what card is B?


A: X800XT or X800XL

B: 6800GT


If I could afford either card I'd actually honestly choose A.... I dont care for SM3.0. Dont know what I would choose out of a 7800GT/X and.... X1800 whatever they are. Haven't read anything about those, because..... i'm not looking to upgrade my graphics card any time soon again :P


Have fun arguing your SM2.0 vs SM3.0 case, cause I honestly don't think anyone here at OCC seems to care! :)



it is a hypothetical question


card A has SM2.0 only


card B has SM3.0


which one?


i really gave the OCC members more credit than to turn a blind eye to current and upcoming technology, too bad, i can play Far Cry with HDR enabled and enjoy the crap out of it, SM2.0 cards can't, just one small example, and how anyone can logically defend going without when they could have is beyond comprehension

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true, except, one can have a 6800GS for $209 right now, and only the very highest end x800XTPE/x850XTPE's beat it FPS wise, and they still lack SM3.0............

it is a hypothetical question



Here, i say "agp or pci-e?" cos in the UK, you aint gettin' a GS for that cash sir. and pci-e cards are cheaper now than their agp counterparts (or at least im finding out)


card A has SM2.0 only


card B has SM3.0


which one?



i really gave the OCC members more credit than to turn a blind eye to current and upcoming technology, too bad, i can play Far Cry with HDR enabled and enjoy the crap out of it, SM2.0 cards can't, just one small example, and how anyone can logically defend going without when they could have is beyond comprehension



well lets say sm3 card has clock of 200 and mem of 300, and sm2 has clock of 520 mem 475.


i think people would prefer the sm2 in that instance.


i can still enjoy far cry just as well as you can - the game still plays EXACTLY the same...bar the sm3...which...doesnt stop me playing it at all.

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gravy, PLEASE STOP ARGUING...YOU AREN'T GOING TO WIN...I've been reading this thread since it started and I have yet to see one person who sees it the same as you do. I also would choose the card without SM3.0 because I don't need it. And "brand strength" has a lot to do with it. I love my 6800 but I really do prefer ati...no reason really, I just like them better. It doesn't matter that the nVidia may cost the same and have SM3.0 because there are so few games that support it. And the little bit that it improves quality does not matter to most people.

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Here, i say "agp or pci-e?" cos in the UK, you aint gettin' a GS for that cash sir. and pci-e cards are cheaper now than their agp counterparts (or at least im finding out)

well lets say sm3 card has clock of 200 and mem of 300, and sm2 has clock of 520 mem 475.


i think people would prefer the sm2 in that instance.


i can still enjoy far cry just as well as you can - the game still plays EXACTLY the same...bar the sm3...which...doesnt stop me playing it at all.



6800GS is PCI-E only


again, the criteria were


A SM2.0


B SM3.0


no other factors.....i am trying to get people to admit that it makes no sense to go backwards if one was buying a new card today.........


and as far as Far Cry goes, no, you don't enjoy it as much as I do without HDR enabled, it makes a huge difference, large enough to make me start over from the beginning just to play it with HDR enabled



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card A has SM2.0 only


card B has SM3.0


which one?




plus gravy, dude...ask a silly(hypothetical) question, get a silly(hypothetical) answer.


there are waaay to many factors OTHER than sm3 to buying a video card.


i said it before: 2000+ people deciding the same thing can't be stupidity in this instance.

noone has agreed with you gravy, but it doesnt mean they are "stupid".you are entitled to your opinion, sure, but other people might approach it from a different angle - dont be offended with someone elses opinions :D or you'll be offended forever


edit: please dont tell me how well or to what degree i enjoy a game...because quite frankly, only i know what i enjoy! you cannot tell me that you enjoy a particular thing more than someone else - it simply isnt possible to measure pleasure. this is why people are getting annoyed at you :lol:

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gravy, so many people have already said that they would go with SM2.0... And saying that one would enjoy playing it more just because it looks better is not true. I can promise you that the enjoyment of the game has next to nothing to do with looks.

Edited by hockeyrcks9901

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gravy, so many people have already said that they would go with SM2.0... And saying that you enjoy playing it more just because it looks better is not true. I can promise you that the enjoyment of the game has next to nothing to do with looks.



but when one has the choice of having it and not having it, why would you not want to have it? other than to stay a loyal ATI customer........ride that ship baby, you saw their latest last ditch effort to overcome the 7800GTX 512 release which just stomped the x1800xt before it even got a chance to be sold






they aren't getting their money from these x1800xt's, they are getting it from the fools buying their old crap R423/R480's like you guys........ROFL

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you are all ignorant


enjoy riding the fanATIcal Express down the tube



how rude. i think you should consider the ignorance you are displaying with these comments.



gravy, so many people have already said that they would go with SM2.0... And saying that one would enjoy playing it more just because it looks better is not true. I can promise you that the enjoyment of the game has next to nothing to do with looks.



enjoyment is personal. not measured. hdr is great. no, really: it is! but i still enjoyed it a lot (Farcry). fancy lighting does improve VISUALS. of course it does. we are not 'ignorant' to the point we are stupid. we just dont all see the same benefits as you do


beauty is only skin deep.

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how rude. i think you should consider the ignorance you are displaying with these comments.

enjoyment is personal. not measured. hdr is great. no, really: it is! but i still enjoyed it a lot (Farcry). fancy lighting does improve VISUALS. of course it does. we are not 'ignorant' to the point we are stupid. we just dont all see the same benefits as you do


beauty is only skin deep.



rude schmood..............you are all ignorant, i have never seen such a bunch of ignorant fanATIcs in all my time here............OCC has officially gone BUNK!

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