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Dead Cpu


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Hey all!!!


My stepson bought a P4 3.2 Ghz processor on eBay and through trial and error and much swapping of parts I have determined that the processor is bad.


I put a known good CPU in his computer and it boots. Put the eBay processor in and the fans turn on and then nothing else.


My question is this.


How would he (if possible) RMA it back to Intel.


I came with a non-stock heatsink and fan but fortuntately I hung onto mine (also from a 3.2 processor).


He of course doesn't have a receipt.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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Damm you got royally screwed. I highly doubt you can since you got it from ebay, I think you would need proof of purchase through anything but ebay to get RMA, thought you could always try lieing. Good luck with that.

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That's pretty much what I thought.


He bought a bunch of his stuff from eBay against my suggestion but "things were cheaper" and he didn't want to wait.


His mother and I are getting divorced and we no longer live in the same house so I had no say in what he did.


He always though he knew better than I did. Guess he's learned a painful and expensive lesson.

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