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20" Apple Wide Screen


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Has anyone here used this screen? If so how does it perform? I was thinking of going with a Dell 2005FPW but there seems to be a lot of bad reviews on it.

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My friend actually just recently bought the 2005fpw Dell widescreen monitor... He works for Vevendi Studios doing graphics.... and I mean. I ask him for any type of approval for anything like this.


His comment of this monitor.........


HE LOVES IT. lol And he's a huge World of Warcraft gamer and he even says its even better on widescreen. Color, style, response rate, fps, etc. ALL great.


I say get it dood. When you go widescreen, u never go back.


Ive been meaning to buy that monitor but instead I bought

<b>Viewsonic VX924 19in LCD Monitor</b> ... I didnt have enough $$$. lol But this monitor ROCKS!

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edit: the 2005FPW has a backlight issue... so dark games will suck


the apple screen has a weird native rez of 1680 x 1050... your graphics card might support this rez if you are lucky, but it's highly unlikely your games will run at this rez... so you'll be running at a non-native rez and it will look like crap on toast... soggy toast... with no butter

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his card will do just fine with that resolution. but the apple screen is nice, but not worth the price :( I just bought the bigger one... and it's not as good as I'd hoped even hooked to a mac.

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interesting info...


I dunno I'm happy with my 2005fpw had it for about a month now, and since then a few friends have since drooled over caved in and dished out the $ for one.  It also has a really nice stand, it moves on 4 different axis. I believe I paid 420 free shipping incl. tax (darn dell shopping mall keyosks).  If you ask me the monitor is pretty BA.  You'll be happy with it.


have you noticed any problems with black backgrounds? Maybe i should think about an HDTV...

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Has anyone here used this screen? If so how does it perform? I was thinking of going with a Dell 2005FPW but there seems to be a lot of bad reviews on it.




take it from first hand experence.. that display makes HD TV's look primitive.. the picture is crisp and clear. Also with the new apiture program comming out by apple. .you can take use of that high res..


this screen is kick butt.. Bert Monroy uses this screen who is a professional graphic artist. www.bertmonroy.com


its really nice.. i have used it.. many times..

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my dad has a duel 1.8ghz G5 with a 17' apple Lcd, and let me tell you they havnt changed. if your watching a action movie or anything with fast frame rate you can tell its not all there. i think those screens are 25ms.

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have you noticed any problems with black backgrounds? Maybe i should think about an HDTV...



everything looks pretty good to me, I haven't had a need to adjust brightness levels for any games yet. Doom 3 seems a little dark, but as far as black backgrounds go, they look ok to me... maybe a little on the bright side. Also, the response time on the dell FPW's are 12ms, its not the best, but its not that bad....

Edited by Tom_m

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yes but you have to understand that thoes apple displays are not for high FPS action.. they are for digital picture aret ect.. but.. from what i have seen.. there is NO PROBLEM with ghosting at high FPS video's.. its all good to me

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