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Do You Agree With These Statements?


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your thinking to hard. The statement is niether, its not something that could be false or true, its not talking about anything.


But you wouldn't take comfort in knowing that?

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look at the structure the statement "this statement is false" is talking about itself


also I take comfort in knowing nothing


in my experience all knowledge is burden while ignorance is true bliss



I know, but theres nothing in the sentence that could be true or false so it doesn't matter.


I've had to much vodka, and I think that caffeinejunkie might need some!





Im a vodka guy myself

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I agree whole hartedly, idiots wont stop shooting theri mouths off about things of no relitive importance, while smart people speak verry little, but when they do speek, it is of things with reletive importance, they also tend to use big words to make the stupid people feel dumb.

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