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Whats My Bottle Neck ?


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Yea a gig of pc3200 is a neccessity for the games you mentioned. A 3200+ will pair nicely with that 9800pro...if you just wanna game and not oc or benchmark I'd grab a gig of 2.5cas valueram(corsair makes a nice cheap dc kit), a64 3200+, and a neo2 plat.

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Really Few !! thanks for that i wouldnt have had a clue on that one, ram is cheap enough anyway but some cosair 3200 with 2.0 or 2.5 Timings would be ok wouldnt it ?, if thats wrong can some one tell me what the timings really mean. i have an idea but not 100%. if i go with a A64 3200+ venice core then i could save some cash for PSU what PSU would you recommend ?. Cheers guys

From James

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If you can afford it, get the better ram, but to tell you the truth, you can run PC2100 with an Athlion 64 and not tell the "HUGE" difference everyone claims, but there WILL be a performance hit, especialyl when gaming, so grab the 3200 and you'll be happy. As for high settings...not likely, med will be your friend maybe with a few options turned up...the 9800 is good but starting to show its age.


As for CPU, my 3000+ Winchester will do 2.6 (still havent updated my sig...) so if you decide to save a few $$$ great, heck PM me if you wanna buy mine...im looking at a possible upgrade myself.


And with a low amp 350w PSU, i say find something else for it to be safe. Asuming it runs ok with it you will be limited OC wise with that sort of PSU in an A64 rig. Im not a PSU guru myself, so far Puck is the best man who has already replied to answer that question.


So anyway, let me know if your interested in a CPU, or if you have anymore questions

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Pretty good setup but theres one problem, pc2700 isn't compatible with any A64


Thats a crock of ....


You can use PC1600 to PC3200 with A64's. The memory controller is affected by latency, not the speed of your RAM.

Edited by FxXP

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Thanks mate could i have your Msn or hotmail or aol if thats alright ?, im in england just to let ya know, but im really looking for a good gaming system so if i could email you with any Qs that would be great ?. or if anyone eles would be kind enough to help also great!. CHeers, guys

From James


PS thank you for offer of your Processor how much would you be asking ?

Pic bellow is for a cheaper system 3200 other than 3500 processor saves about 50 quid. is it worth it do you think ?

Edited by SoulSeaker2004

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just to help here as a benchmark.

38-40 FPS on medium settings on my rig in BF2.

9800 pro AGP.

2x512 sticks of memory at 230fsb.

XP chip running at 2500mhz. (near a 4000+ level)


and thats my framerate. so if you want mroe than that....you WILL need a full socket change to 939. 754 is a budget that still uses AGP. but for how long will that help you really. and staying with AGP will create THE botleneck on yoru nice new parts.


go 939. PCIe. at least pc3200 memory. THAT is what you need to see a good improvement. period.

Edited by robAP

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Thats a crock of ....


You can use PC1600 to PC3200 with A64's. The memory controller is affected by latency, not the speed of your RAM.



ok, lemme rephrase that... you'll lose some performance with pc2700 :bah:

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ok, lemme rephrase that... you'll lose some performance with pc2700  :bah:



lose some performance? using PC2700 in an A64 system is like putting a 4-banger exhaust on a big block V8 lol.

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Hey guys another quick Question, would a 3000+ Athlon be very good with a high end GFX card like a 6800 ultra or X800XT or would it show its age very quickly im on a tight budget. Thanks Guys Big help.

From James

Edited by SoulSeaker2004

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