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Guest matrax

do you agree, the fact that the US is attacking IRRAQ with no prove of NUK ?  

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  1. 1. do you agree, the fact that the US is attacking IRRAQ with no prove of NUK ?

    • yes
    • no
    • dont know
    • dont care

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As long as Saddam Hussein is in power, Iraq will continue to be a threat, not only to the USA, but to all of the Middle East as well. Especially Isreal, he launched Scud misssiles at Isreal during the Persian Gulf and Isreal wasn't even if the crap war, he just wanted a reason to fire those Scuds. I guarantee you that if Hussein could get away with it, he would nuke or gas anybody and everybody he wants without remorse. He wouldn't even think twice. I think the main reason he hasn't done anything yet is because he knows he'll get his @$$ kicked all over again. It's about time we finished the job and get rid of him while we can. George W. is going to clean up the mess his dad left.


Besides, the U.N. Inspectors have found missiles with chemical warheads in Iraq's possession. The warheads were empty, bur who would load up biological agents in a missile when they just have it in storage. It's like pulling the pin on the grenade before you even have a reason to use it. Of course the warheads were empty.


Just my 2 cents... :blink:

True I forgot to say that Israel also has been attacked. The one con of the war is that Israel (and I guess other US allies in the Middle East) have a good chance of coming under attack.

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I was looking at the BBC today, and the only people who think we should go to war are the Israeli's and some people of the US. I then talked to a German friend of mine who doesn't think we should go to war. I said to him, "ya know, this does come from the nation who has started the last two world wars..." He said, "yes, but you shouldn't make the same mistake we did." I totally agree with him. I think it would be unfair to the people of America to go to war now. I don't see anything wrong with just taking out Saddam though... Personally, I think the issues in North Korea should be of more concern to us... However, since Bush is a republican, it is only fitting that he cares about the oil there.


By the way, is anyone here willing to get drafted for Iraq? I know I'm not...

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I was on yahoo playin pool w/ a woman from australia who said everyone there

wants us to goto war w/ Iraq... she was really cool and we shared a lot of the same

views... it was wierd cause she even said somethin about

'when australia becomes part of the US'.... I guess some ppl there want to become a state...

at least someone appreciates us...


forgot to answer Tiki's question...

first off I dont think there will be a draft... I think thats crap...

2nd... yes I would be happy to go and kill for my country...

hell, for myself... I'd be laughing my @ss off...

maybe thats just me... some test I took said I'd be a good officer

in the military... (some carreer test at school..)

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I then talked to a German friend of mine who doesn't think we should go to war. I said to him, "ya know, this does come from the nation who has started the last two world wars..." He said, "yes, but you shouldn't make the same mistake we did." I totally agree with him. I think it would be unfair to the people of America to go to war now.

Germany started 2 world wars because they had leaders who wanted to to rule the world and decided to try and accomplish it.


this is so much a different situation. i can see how others would look at it as just an excuse for the us to extend their power but again they didn't have they're 2 largest building knocked out of the the sky (to put it bluntly).

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I see that everybody wants to make sure the U.S. looks out for the little guy and understand everyone elses points of view, but who's looking out for the U.S.? Most of Europe doesn't seem to care what's best for the U.S., especially France. No offense to anybody, but France just seems like whenever we want to do something, France always has a problem with it. England is pretty much the only European country on our side, even then their public still kind of half and half with fighting Hussein with us.


Just seems nobody looks out for what's best for the U.S. except the U.S. itself. Nobody really wants to help us anymore except a few countries. Countries helped us when we were small and when we really needed it. But now it seems everybody wants our help, but not to repay us for the favor when we want help.


Hope I don't get flamed but probably will... :blink:

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I see that everybody wants to make sure the U.S. looks out for the little guy and understand everyone elses points of view, but who's looking out for the U.S.? Most of Europe doesn't seem to care what's best for the U.S., especially France. No offense to anybody, but France just seems like whenever we want to do something, France always has a problem with it. England is pretty much the only European country on our side, even then their public still kind of half and half with fighting Hussein with us.


Just seems nobody looks out for what's best for the U.S. except the U.S. itself. Nobody really wants to help us anymore except a few countries. Countries helped us when we were small and when we really needed it. But now it seems everybody wants our help, but not to repay us for the favor when we want help.


Hope I don't get flamed but probably will... :blink:

I can understand the French not wanting to get into a war... they don't exactly have a large winning streak. Napoleon (sp?) was the last French leader to win a war... every time after that, France has been occupied, burned, occupied, over run, yatta yatta yatta... for once in their existence, they aren't being attacked/over run....


Besides, can you think of a better way to keep the anti-American terrorist for attacking you, then being on the opposite side from America?

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Excuse me Mr. I didnt say anything about me being so much smarter I was just asking why he cares about gas money. This is about the war in Iraq and if you want my serious views on it...It's I dont give a crap because all people will continue to do is ###### about the world no war is ever going to solve anything in the end we will all live our meaningless lives and never see real peace or live in complete happiness. America looks at itself too highly. In my opinion. :angry: and that pot kettle comment...funny...real funny.

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but ya, as my personal hero Joe Kucan said:

"Peace Through Power!"... you all know Joe Kucan...

Kane from the Command and Conquer series... he should run for president...


I agree w/ d3... France hates us... anytime someone I know goes to France

they get treated like crap.... Who cares about them anyway??? if we get their

support because they follow the crowd then fine... I watch future fighting machines...

their equipment isnt too bad... England pwns... Some of the ppl read too much crap in

the tabloids and are confused about the issue but Parliament knows what's up...

I know their's some Canadians on the board... and Canada is French/British so I guess

their cool since 1. their british... and 2. they left france... so we'll take their 10 UN soldiers... :P

point is we need to quit putting up w/ this terrorist crap we've had to put up w/... we need

to give them a swift blow to the nuts and irradicate their influence from every country around

the world, while communism fades out of the picture w/ it... then after that we need to get

some of our 'friends' in the middle east in check... a lot of them just simply want to remain in

power and see where Iraq's mistakes were... as long as they cooperate w/ us then fine...

but for now we need to grow some balls and strike hard, fast, and broadcast the hell out of it...

I wanna see some blood... I wanna see the country's system dismantled and replaced...

as for the whiny ppl who say "ooooh the oil the oil!"... they can shut up... since when did

it make sense to look at a war and complain about the good things for winning the war

instead of looking at the dangers of not going to war?

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