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Nice Improvement!

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Even though it's still not stable yet, I got a tremendous improvement (-2c) from cutting out those fan grilles on my case and it's a thousand times quieter than before. CPU is also cooler, by at least 2c.


This evening or weekend, I'm going to tear it down again and use the compressed air to clean out any little bits of metal. Just wanted to report on my improvements so far. :)

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Got two big pics coming up... 56k watch out :P








Cuts are a bit poor looking, the moulding stuff wouldn't fit and I didn't have the proper tool for enlarging the holes for grommets... Looks ghetto but it works. :)

Edited by Hyper Threaded

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Get those 50 cents chrome round grills, they're the best when you want quiet and cheap. ;)

Btw for anyone still having those stamped in metal grills GET THEM OFF!!! loll :lol:


Another btw :huh: Did you say you'll get a can of air to clean out those bits of metal???

I hope you'll get your mobo and stuff out of there first, cause those metal bits will create more problems than you'll ever be able to handle :P

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I've already used compressed air to clean off the soundcard and videocard, still need to do the motherboard too, but it's a pain in the arse to get out.


I might get some thicker trim that actually fits and some beefier screws cos none of the fans are really properly secured.

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You cut the holes with the hardware still installed in the case?!?!?! The rule of removing all hardware before taking a dremel to the case is like Modding 101!!

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