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Do Drivers Make A Difference?


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I keep hearing people mention that video cards drivers make a big difference (for something?) and im wondering if this is true. And what are the advantages of having certain video card drivers.


Right now ive got the nvidia 77.77 drivers for my leadtek 6800, and im wondering what some good drivers for it would be...


so yeah, two questions.

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Staying up to date with the drivers is a good idea, cause if you don't you won't get the most outta your card.


I dunnue about nvidia drivers but what are the newest ones for ATI cards?

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77.77 are the newest official drivers. I only use the official ones, but others use betas and whatnot.


Generally I haven't found drivers make a difference. If all your games work with one version, no real need to update it afaik. The only time it really helps is when new game comes out and you're experiencing crashing. In that case, I have had a few instances where new drivers help.

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i see... but there arent any that are like.. better in any way?


I usually stay up to date with drivers, im just wondering if there are any that are better for overclocking or anything (even though im not going to be doing any overclocking. im just curious)

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as far as performance goes your naked eye won't see a difference, but a benchmark will. It is best to stay up to date on drivers for everything not just your video card.


Ste, the latest ATi drivers are the Cat5.8 drivers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
as far as performance goes your naked eye won't see a difference, but a benchmark will. It is best to stay up to date on drivers for everything not just your video card.


Ste, the latest ATi drivers are the Cat5.8 drivers.


well, not always true. one of the official nvidia drivers literally screwed up video playback on multimedia file i hear. remember, drivers give good performance, quality, and stababilty. sometimes beta/3rd party drivers have fixes that officials dont have yet. think of it as windows and its updates or chipset drives, they pretty much fix any issues and overall might improve performance.

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If you stay up to date withe drivers you wount notice a diffirence but if you go from ,say, 66.93 to 77.77 you`r probably gona notice a diffirence, i know i did...


going from 66.93`s to 77.77`s i got a 3mhz better core overclock... weird but true ;-) ..


i used modded drivers when i had a 9700pro adn they did make a difirenc from the catalysts ... but now that i have this 6800 the forcewares work just fine, and i dont see a difirence from omegas or ngo`s..

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