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What's The Highest A 6800gt Will Go?

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When it comes to extreme overclocking (<3 multi-VPC setups), what's the limit as to how far a 6800GT can go? What's the highest core clock that's possible? And the highest mem clock?



And, when I rule the world, should ATI or nVidia be my official video card company?

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Well, I have a plan for a multi-block Freon VPC, so heat won't matter too much.


Think I can hit 600+ with a voltmodded BFG Ultra?



That'd be a 43% OC on the video card, which seems a little extreme. But I guess anything's possible.

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That'd be a 43% OC on the video card, which seems a little extreme.  But I guess anything's possible.



This is an overclocking forum... NOTHING is too extreme.



50% or bust :D.

Edited by Kamikaze_Badger

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You'd be the most awesome overclocker in the world if you managed to pull that one off...



That's kinda what I was trying to say....


Sure it's possible, but I don't know that I'd go getting my hopes up for a 600 core on a 6800 card just yet.


I haven't seen many OC stats on ultras, but I have seen a lot on gt's. The gt is stock at 350, then my BFG out-of-the-box OC is at 370, and I run it at 409. Anything past there and it usually won't pass the riva tuner test (Driver failed to pass internal tests). I do see a good number of people in the 410-430 range though. That would mean (by interpolation) that a good ultra OC might leave you at 460-480. So 500 is very reasonable on mega cooling, but I think 600 would be just short of a miracle.

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