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Car Accident


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yesterday one of our local churches had a yuth thing . one of my friends invited me. any way his son (19) was there "hes in and out of church " but when the meeting started he walked out we asked him to stay but he declined.

5 miniutes later some one rushed in and took my friend out side..after i found out he was at the hospital in the trauma room. his son was driving 45mph and some lady pulled out right in front of him.

he had just finished fixing up his mitsubishi made at a rice rocket.


totaled both cars the other lady had to be cut out of her car he was pretty banged up


do you think it was a sign from God?

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god works in mysterious ways.but i personaly dont think it was a sign.it was just a coincidence.even if he did go to youth group.could of happened after he left.so who knows.hope he recovers well.

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nope, i think it was just a result of bad driving by the lady... That's just my belief though. Whether or not this was intended by "God", is irrelevent. I think anyone can learn a lesson from this. First of all drive safe! Secondly, live life to the fullest.. because even if you are being as careful as possible, something totally unexpected could kill you at any second (lol....). Besides that, I dont think there were any conspiracies or prophecies or whatever you call them lol.

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:withstupid: thats why god invented the monster truck


:Edit: I dont think it was a sign from God, that lady just doesnt know how to drive, thats why I feel we need to have stricter licence requierments.

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Guest Silenc3
Not a sign from 'God'.  Just idiotic driving and the inevitable consequence.



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Yeah, a sign from God to drive a big American made truck so you can plow moron slike that out of the way and think it was a pothole.




You know what. You have been pising me off lately. With all of your "american pride" and "big craping macho big craping car" bull .... i just feel like going george carlin on your butt. Please, have some respect and don't be a stupid macho asswipe.


Thank you, that is all. Just had to get that off my chest.

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You know what. You have been pising me off lately. With all of your "american pride" and "big craping macho big craping car" bull .... i just feel like going george carlin on your butt. Please, have some respect and don't be a stupid macho asswipe.


Thank you, that is all. Just had to get that off my chest.




Do I know you?


Since when is American pride a bad thing?


You should start a topic about this in Politics and Current Events and see what happens - entitled "LoArmistead is so patriotic, it pisses me off."

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This is why old people shouldn't be allowed to drive....


Though of course, this is also a sign for the guy to slow down a bit. It was a residential area, so speed limit was probably 25 mph. Doing 20 mph over that is a bit much. Stick to 30 to 35 mph. That way you can at least slow down to the point where even if you do hit the other car, the damage to both life and property won't be as extensive.

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