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R520: When And How Much?

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When is the R520 going to be released and is there an estimate on pricing? I really wanna start building but I'll wait for it if it's going to be out soon.


Thanks in advance

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Guest Flashstar

I'm guessing that the initial launch price will be around 600 or 700 dollars.

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Ugh I am too impacient... I think I might want to get a cheap video card until it comes out, but if I wait, processors will get better and cheaper, so I might just want to wait.


How early in August? Seeing that in about 10 days it will be August, now much longer? lol...I'm so anxious! lol

Edited by RDReavis1

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Ugh I am too impacient...  I think I might want to get a cheap video card until it comes out, but if I wait, processors will get better and cheaper, so I might just want to wait.


How early in August? Seeing that in about 10 days it will be August, now much longer? lol...I'm so anxious! lol


Take heart! I'm sure its getting pushed back for a reason :D It takes time to make the fastest gaming card the world has ever seen :)

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I always do this. I wait because I don't want the stuff I buy to be outdated, but it always will be outdated the next week. I always want to wait for the next big jump so it can't be outdated so quickly. It's just the computer I'm working on right now is 5.5 yrs old. I need something new and fast before I explode! I've been on the verge of explosion for over 2 years! The next blue screen I get I'm going to splatter all over the monitor! Gah!


And when the R520 comes out, NVIDIA is going to have their super-card come out in a few weeks after, and it'll go back and forth and I'll be waiting for eternity! Stupid technological progressions! GAH!


So I'm guessing it would be a wise decision to wait until August (unless they push it back AGAIN)? Any thoughts?


...I sense a glitch coming on...time to RESTART! YAY!


Okay...restarted...what the...Dreamweaver no longer works :-\

Isn't that special...


Reinstalling it worked...for the time being.


Thinking about it, I might just want to wait until August, but I don't know how long into August it's going to take for the release. Does anybody know the week it comes out? Or plans to come out?

Edited by RDReavis1

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I have heard from several sources that ATI will have a "paper launch" somewhere on or near July 27th. Keep in mind that this will in no way mean that the R520 will be actually available for purchase any time near this date.

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