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Fun Time At Compusa


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And its funny how these people get jobs at CompUSA



the reason these people can get those jobs is because any worth their salt as a computer techie wouldnt be suckered into a 7 or 8 dollar an hour job at bestbuy or compusa, when they could get a desktop technician job pretty much anywhere else for easily twice as much.


Do not work for best buy!! http://www.bestbuysux.org/


I use to and ... I want 6 months of my life back!

Edited by andrusk

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Guest Flashstar

At Radioshack, they told us that 802.11g goes farther than b.


And at Microcenter, the guy told my Dad that my old comp. wouldn't accept a video card even though it could. I was stuck with a very bad gaming comp. for years. :(

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Change scares people. I think we should all walk around with a shirt saying watch out for windows XP it is toxic to RAM and CPU's, then those guys who say that crap will try to be friendly to ya, thats when you get scared and run away because now you know they really are just dumb.

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the reason these people can get those jobs is because any worth their salt as a computer techie wouldnt be suckered into a 7 or 8 dollar an hour job at bestbuy or compusa, when they could get a desktop technician job pretty much anywhere else for easily twice as much. 


Do not work for best buy!!  http://www.bestbuysux.org/


I use to and ... I want 6 months of my life back!


I would much rather work there making what I make right now for a few reasons. Women managers are on a constant powertrip and need to be brought down a serious notch, I am treated like crap by customers, I get 5% off of groceries!! whoopie, I can't throw my own garbage away because you have to be 18 to throw it down a shoot when you can drive an automobile at the age of 16, there are slackers that hide in the back room causing me to have to work harder and bag faster up front and the managers don't do anything about it, and I have no interest in spending the rest of my life in the grocery business (although the store directors make 100k and up without their bonuses)

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Change scares people.  I think we should all walk around with a shirt saying watch out for windows XP it is toxic to RAM and CPU's, then those guys who say that crap will try to be friendly to ya, thats when you get scared and run away because now you know they really are just dumb.



yea, but that example was also posted by me :lol:

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the reason these people can get those jobs is because any worth their salt as a computer techie wouldnt be suckered into a 7 or 8 dollar an hour job at bestbuy or compusa, when they could get a desktop technician job pretty much anywhere else for easily twice as much. 


Do not work for best buy!!  http://www.bestbuysux.org/


I use to and ... I want 6 months of my life back!


wow im reading this and its very interesting. now thats a job i would not even dream of taking. id rather work @ staples...

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I work for the Best Buy Geek Squad and I have never had a better or more fun job. I can assure you that I don't work for 7 dollars an hour! Best Buy is implementing a company wide plan for customer centricity, and it is working here. Our district has become one of the best places to work for. I am 28 yrs old, and this is the first job that I have had were I don't have to listen to people complain about their jobs everyday. We have a very fun and laid back work environment.


Sorry or the rant, but I have to stand up for what I beleive in.

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I have found that pretty much all of the retail stores have the same complaints. You can learn to work in retail and deal with it, or you are in the wrong business. People on that site are complaining about selling Performance Service Plans, but I firmly believe in them; the Geek Squad can fix a PC faster and better than sending your HP off in the mail and waiting for 6-8 weeks. I could keep going on about how things are changing and what is being implemented, but that is not the point of this conversation.

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yea, but that example was also posted by me :lol:




Yes but its still the funniest, stupidest thing i have ever heard and wanted to hear in my life. which is also why i keep bringing it back.............

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hey chavalcito, you in NY? any ways heres what i found on the BBS site, and i been in the neighborhood the BB store is in, its very low income. heres the excerpt.


Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 21:32:05 -0700 (PDT)


I currently work at store 483, Rego Park NY, and I'm planning to quit very soon.

The only reason I haven't done so allready is because of the great discounts BBY offers on certain products and also because of the employee accomodations program.

There are a couple of things I wanna buy but can't afford to right now. WHY?



Well when I started in BBY, about half a year ago, I was shocked to learn that all the company offered to new employees was $8.50 . Unlike Circuit City who offers seasonal employees who are product specialists $10.00 to start, Store 483, which happens to be located in a low class/ working poor hispanic neighborhood feels that they don't have to offer any incentives to work there. I took the job simply because I felt it was the best I could do at the time.


The company gives you a short 45 minute lunch break for your 6 hours of work. You are required by law to take a lunch break or the store gets hit with a hefty fine (if what my manager said was true). Too bad most of the restaraunts are located over 10 minutes walk from the store and the closer ones are ridiculously expensive. (You know who you are Outback Steakhouse)

The managers take an hour or more to have lunch and some of the employees who have been there for a while do the same which seriously craps up the schedules.



Working there has ranged from boring to nightmarish. The only fun I have there is slacking off and cheating the clock to talk to other disgruntled employees on the floor. I'm also angered constantly by ignorant customers who can't speak English and have very little money to buy. This wouldn't be so bad if the supervisors and managers didn't put so much pressure on us workers to sell PSP and PRP warranties. Every single morning we have a morning meeting where the higher-ups insist that we must do better to get them more profits or else they (a multibillion dollar company) won't be able to hire more people to work for them at 8.50 an hour.

I'm not stupid. You've got the money. Stop being cheap.



There is this ugly, hawk nosed, short, stumpy classy lady working in 483 who is one of the main managers. Her initials are J.H. so if you work here you'll know who I mean.

She attacks employees routinely for the smallest violations. She routinely looks for people to send home if they don't wear their Yellow shirt on Tuesday and Sunday or if they don't have a name tag or something small.

Whats so stupid is that she send them home despite the fact that the departments are short staffed. which means that sometimes I'll end up working with another guy who doesn't know what the crap he's selling.


She also caught an employee with their cellphone, which was in a drawer charging and wrote them up for it. Meanwhile, managers, LP staff, other employees and other workers have their phones on them, charging and on the floor and get away with it.


She speaks down to other employees with a demeaning tone, one that I fully return with smart assed comments and a general sarcastic hatred for her.


Other managers in general tend to crap with employees for small things they don't like about them. Because of these managers, I changed my entire schedule to shifts to avoid them.

Speaking of shifts...



If you get stuck closing the store at night, you feel like a cleaning lady. The managers lock the building and will not let you leave until they are satisfied that your department is clean and that all the worthless . is tagged properly. I made certain that my entire weekly shift was OPENING only simply because I was sick of having to travel home, for 2 hours, at midnight and later. I don't remember my contract claiming I had to clean like a goddanged slave just to work there but the manager's insist that it does.


Opening most of the departments should actually be a breeze but BBY finds ways to crap that up to. We just got a mandate placed on us to do our Action centers which are basically a task list. If it isn't done by 11 AM then the store loses points to other stores on it. Since BBY wants to compete so much, we have increased stress placed on us to make it to the morning meeting at 9:30 that ends when the doors open to the public at 10:00, and then to do the Action centers while we may have customers coming into our departments.

No wonder . gets stolen so quickly !


Best buy requires employees to "TALK SHRINK" which means they must know about the current trends of theft in their department and recite it when asked.

this means you must know off hand, totally ridiculous numbers and percentages simply because BBY can't keep track of their products.

Two weeks ago we lost a Motorola RAZR V3 ($400 phone)

Before that we've lost plenty of ipods and memory cards and digital camaras. To be perfectly honest, the . that gets stolen is a mystery to me because I haven't a clue who is doing it or how its getting done. BBY assumes that 90% of its theft is internal and that whatever is external theft is the fault of the employees.

"you've gotta contact customers faster, and keep an eye on your entire department".

Thats hard to do when they are too cheap to hire enough employees to cover a large department.

Yesterday a $100 camcorder battery got stolen and I didn't shed a tear.


On the way out, the manager's demand to check our socks, our belt lines, and our bags. The bag check is O.K but when they check my clothing on my body I feel as if I've been raped.




Earlier I stated that I oved the meployee discount. Unfortunately, BBY found a way to crap this up too. One of the employees in my store got fired recently for letting his brother buy a TV on his discount. BBY refuses to allow your sisters and brothers to use your discount. Only your genetic parents may indulge in your discounted prices.

The obvious thing to do is ask your friends to just give you cash money and buy stuff for them to give them at a later date. I do this all the time with no remorse. Why?

Part of working in a store like this should be a feeling that you are above and beyond mediocre sales jobs and fast food's such as Mcdonalds. However, because of the crappy pay, you feel like your a Wal-Mart slave. My friends think I'm cool cause I work at Best Buy and they know I get good discounts. Unfortunately BBY policy is that we cannot lend our discount to friends. However, I give my friends discounts on whatever I can get because I have anger for the company's treatment of me and because I hate the manager's breathing down my neck.

If I was smarter, I'd probably be stealing . from BBY and selling it on EBay.


What's sad is that BBY's markups are so high that they actually make 5% off of us despite the fact we are getting a discount.

For example, a SONY memory stick duo 1 Gigabyte costs $199.

We buy it for $90. This means BBY got it for $85.

When those things came in, I made sure to only sell them to my fellow employees who had SONY PSP's because #1 I hated the cheapass customers and #2 I caused the store to lose a 100% profit. I felt good doing it and I will do it every chance I get.




This is Best Buy's idea of staffing the store.

Its 12 PM on a weekday and there is only one person at customer service. There are 2 people at Geek Squad's tech bench and each department has only 1 employee in it with the exception of Computers and Media which may have 2. House Phones has noone in it (more on that later).

Basically, plenty of customers are in the store for various reasons and they keep asking you to come help them in another department. It bothers me that I have to dismiss them but thats the way it is since we must stay in our departments and security is too lax to guard the store.


In fact, store 483, nixed the multiple undercover store security watch for a single guy from an armed security company just cause they were being cheap. then the managers argue with that guard as to whether he must walk around the entire store constantly for 7 hours or stay in one spot.


#8 Stop Being CHEAP !


Get this. The camera department and the wireless cellular department share the same key type for their glass cases. In one of these cases we have IPODS and MP3 players and cell phones. In the next case we have memory cards for cameras.

There is one key for Camera's case and one key for Wireless's cases.

When employees need to get something, they must search hi and low for the person who has the key. This becomes especially annoying when the alarms for the camera's anti theft system goes off.

Now everynow and then, the key from one department breaks. In fact, two weeks ago my manager accidentaly broke the key and we were left with one that we must toss back and forth from Digital Imaging to Wireless between sales. I kid you not.

Then just yesterday, the other key broke and it sent the employees scrambling wildly trying to get a replacement since now, all the cases are locked and noone has a key. The managers insist that they ordered it but it has taken over two weeks to replace the first.

Not a good way to sell things huh?


As for House Phones, this has become a dreaded area of the store. Its 2 isles in the back of the store with nothing more than a security monitor and random passes by store employees, busy with work. When customers are looking for a phone, I can imagine for them it is a nightmare. Furthermore, we are too cheap to put up a price scanner on the wall so customers can check the prices on the phones. The entire area is totally disorderly and there are no labels on anything. Many of the phones are damaged and the boxes ripped open/ pieces stolen. since Best Buy is so bent on selling open boxed ., just finding a brand new phone is a horrendous experience. I suggested they put a product specialist back there with his own register but sure enough, managers shouted me down.


In conclusion, I am only still working there because there are some things I want to buy. affording things at the store is very hard because of the small amount of money we make. At 8.50 an hour, I'm lucky to see $400 a check before taxes after working 60 hours. I plan on quitting within a month or two (if I don't get fired first). I may opt to ak for a leave of absence so I can keep my employee discount flowing while I leave the store for another job. I'm not sure what I'm going to do exactly yet but what I do know is that considering how much stress that job places on me and the miniscule pay rate, I definately don't have a future there.

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the reason these people can get those jobs is because any worth their salt as a computer techie wouldnt be suckered into a 7 or 8 dollar an hour job at bestbuy or compusa, when they could get a desktop technician job pretty much anywhere else for easily twice as much. 


Do not work for best buy!!  http://www.bestbuysux.org/


I use to and ... I want 6 months of my life back!


after reading that website, i dont think i will ever buy from them again, even if it means spending more money to go elsewhere, that is just horse****

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