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Star Wars Galaxies


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So im pretty sure star wars galaxies comes out the begining of april, is anyone been waiting for this game besides me? What do u guys think of what uve seen and heard if anything?

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  • 2 weeks later...

To show you how much I'm into this game I'll tell you this. I'm going to get a job just so I can buy the game and pay for the monthly subscription fee...Any extra money after paying for the gae will just upgrade my comp. :blink:


And NO it's not Evercrack in space! Bah! d3bruts1d and his comments! My Schwatz is bigger than your Schwartz! Time to jump to Ludicris Speed!


I wonder if anybody knows where I got that?

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Bah! Can't be higher than what Evercrack players pay now. I'm guessing $12.95 range, give or take a few bucks. More like give... Maybe it'll be high at first, but as more people join in and things smooth out after the first 20 patches during the first week then they might lower as the Live staff slims down a couple peeps.


LucasArts should at least break even on game sales, then all the subscriptions will maintain what it costs to keep it up and running. So after more and more people join they'll beable to lower fees, not only to lure in more peeps but to keep the ones they have a little happier. Heck Sony Online Entertainment is making LOADS of cash off Evercrack, now with this they should be rolling even higher.

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One of my friends showed me Evercrack at his house once. Seemed alright at first then once he showed me the combat aspect......I lost all interest in it after that. I just thought the combat was kind of lame. At the time I was into Unreal Tournament and Tribes, so trying to pry me away from 2 great FPS's to an MMOPRG where the combat was kind of....slow paced, it was no easy task.


I know combat in SWG ain't gonna be no UT or anything, but the user is supposed to have a much bigger part of the combat aspect. So you can have an uber weapon but if you suck you can still lose to some schmuck who's an expert with his blaster. I like how a persons skill can lead him to overcome odds or a stronger opponent.

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