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I Had Enough!

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Alright, well it isn't bad enough that my parents come into my room every so often while I'm gone, and pull the chord out of my PSU. I have a job and work hard for the money, so when I spend it on computer-related items, I'd like to see them in use.


"You're wasting energy, son."


I like leaving my system on for the sake of novelty. I mean, it's an extra $7 or so a month to keep the dang thing powered 24/7. I'll pay for the electricity...but, they're parents, and they're stubborn.


Now that I've stopped babbling (or at least I think so :sleep: ), they hear the sound while passing by my door, as I had a total of 15 fans spinning in my rig.


-two exhaust fans

-four frontal intake fans

-one side panel intake fan

-two PSU fans

-two fans on PCI card

-two fans on HDD cooler

-heatsink fan

-video card's fan


That all adds up to fifteen. LOUD system, especially when I cranked up the PCI fan card / heatsink fan's RPM.


To be honest, the sound was bugging me as well, but I'm not fond of high temperatures. Well, being as I was fed up of the constat turn-offs and the noise itself, I decided to remove the four frontal intake fans, PCI fan card, HDD cooler, and one of the exhaust fans. The system's MUCH quieter. Virtually undetectable by the ear alone while passing by my bedroom.


Was the drastic removal of cooling devices worth the sound deduction? I'm seeing similar temperatures while computing normally (27-28C), though, I wouldn't doubt if that temperature was incorrect.


Should I suck it up and put those fans back in, or play it safe by accomidating my need for novelty? :ph34r:

Edited by Gregorama

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i would leave them out, espialyy since your parents are walking by and just wanking ur PSU cord out. and tell them to stop or when its breaks and F*&%s up ur computer there gunna buy you a new one

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i would leave them out, espialyy since your parents are walking by and just wanking ur PSU cord out. and tell them to stop or when its breaks and F*&%s up ur computer there gunna buy you a new one



when you're paying your portion of the morgage you can tell them that.


since your temps haven't gone up I'd leave it as is. While internal sensors are knowing to being inaccurate, generally they are consistant. i.e. if it was 10 degrees off with all 15 fans it's probably still 10 degrees off.

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At least tell that its bad for the computer to yank out the cord like that. I'd say that like a quarter of those fans probably don't do much more than make noise. You could also go for somet quieter fans is you're willing to pay the money for them.

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when you're paying your portion of the morgage you can tell them that.



WHAT?!?!?! what yur saying is my parents can do whatever they want to my stuff,even if they bought it? thats so freaking stupid.

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Guest Raven65

Dude Pay them the 7 dollars but if you leave it on for novelty then just shut it off. If your not folding etc, why waste the power.

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This wasn't my main dilemma. I was mostly concerned about the cooling difference, but there seems to be steady temperatures.


PS - I keep my system running to receive important messages while away, as well as using a VNC server to remotly connect to my PC. Saves loads of hassle.

Edited by Gregorama

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honestly, what the problem here seems to be is noise, if your parents dont KNOW your computer is on, they wont yank it out, (shut the mon off, that fools em up good :)) i would invest in a WC setup if i where you, even a cheap one, cuz it sounds like you have 15 fans with about 5-6 of them that are actialy moving air around...

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WHAT?!?!?! what yur saying is my parents can do whatever they want to my stuff,even if they bought it? thats so freaking stupid.



i hate to tell you this dude but you dont legally own anything untill your 18 :) even if you bought it

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