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New Comp Need Advice

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k, for a few months ive been planning on building a new computer, but i always get diffrent opinions from the people i ask so i thught id come to a actual comp forum and ask


mobo- Asus P4PE Socket 478 for Intel

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everything will run...at first glance BUT! Your ram is DDR 333(pc2700) and your board only supports upto DDR233(pc2100) This will be okay if you plan on OCing your RAM because it will run fine when you do. The other thing is that your board only supports upto 4x AGP and your video card is capable of doing 8x AGP. If you get this board you wont be putting your video card to the max but rather, at half speed (which is still very respectable)

Everything should run together.


No building a computer isnt hard, just remember to ground your self before you touch anything and dont force anything to fit :) btw, I noticed you dont have any CD-ROM drives or floppy drives....that will make it really hard to install an OS without a CD-ROM drive :)



In my personal oppionon Id get an AMD cpu but alot of people latley have been going to intel.


if you want everything to run at full speed on your mobo then look for one that supports upto DDRpc2700(or more) and one that supports AGP 4x and AGP 8x.


Good luck :)

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crap, lol


whats a good board that supports 8x agp? i was told that asus were the best mobo's



3 x 184-pin DIMM Sockets support max. 2GB PC2700/PC2100 (FSB533) or PC2100/PC1600 (FSB400) non-ECC DDR SDRAM memory


says it supports up to 2 gigs of pc2700, but if it doesnt support the vid card i dont want it... :|


i still havnt decided on cd-rom/rw cuz to tell ut he truth im just confused on what the heck i need/should get..


thx :)


ps, is corsair better then samsung memory?

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actually it does support pc2700


and it will support your vid card it jsut will be at 4x not 8x

k whats the diffrence between 4x and 8x on the vid card? is it noticable? cuz i havnt found any mobo's that support 8x......



what bout the Gigabyte GA-8PE667 Ultra 2 Intel

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The P4PE supports PC2700--I use PC3200 with no problems at all. You can OC that processor to 3.4GHz but I would recommend using a ThermalTake Volcano 7+ [iMO]. That setup looks close to mine and I'll go out on a limb and say it'll give ya what your looking for....

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id go with the GA-8INXP it will do everything you want it to and you can run your DDR in a Dual Channel set up


the difference between 8x and 4X AGP is that 4X can move 1 Gb/s and 8x can move 2 Gb/s but the numbers dont mean anything but its nice to know they are there :lol:

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k heres an update i think this is the final system ill be buying...



Cpu- Pentium 4 2.8Ghz

VidCard- ATI Radeon 9700 Pro

Memory- 1024MB XMS2700 Corsair

HDrive- 120GB Western Digital

Case- Blue Aluminum Chieftec W/ Window, 4 80mm case fans

PS- Enermax 431watt

cables- round IDE cables

heatsink- Thermaltake Volcano 7+ Cooler


total - 1841$


seems kinda pricey to me :( was expecting it to be bout 1600 max, but im ordering from only 2 places instead of a goose chase for the cheapest prices... so i guess thats ok, what u guys think?

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That looks good isn't that the new Granite Bay motherboard? Well that should get you to 3.4 GHz pretty easily with the V7+ as your heatsink.


You shouldn't have too much trouble overcloknig your system just go into BIOS and raise your FSB gradually (1 MHz-5 MHz at a time) until it won't stably run a heavy load program. (Note: To achieve a clock speed of 3.4 GHz you'll need to raise the FSB to about 162 MHz, I'd say go for 166 MHz though for looks :P )When it won't stably run a heavy load program like 3D Mark 2001SE, you can either decrease the FSB by 1 MHz at a time and see the top speed you can achieve, or you can raise your VCore (Core Voltage, higher means more stable) and try to make it stable through that, but be warned that that will add heat. So through doing that you can overclock your computer. Ypu can also change your RAM timings in BIOS (Probably under advanced BIOS features) to lower numbers such as 2-2-2-5 (best possible timings) and that will speed it up. On a last note, make sure your AGP settings are at 8X in BIOS and that your AGP aperture is set to 128 MB (I've learned that from experience :lol: ).

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UPDATE, i still dont know which board to get...i was sure until i read anothetr thread here at OCClub.com saying that the radeon 9700 didnt work right with the mobo i was choosing...


i was gonna get the Asus P4S8X but it says Here

that it had bugs, and i was just wondering if this happened with ALL of the mobos, or just with a few(like a bug in a few of them) sorry if i just sound dumb :|


anyways, can anyone give me some more info about this? or a couple more suggestions for another mobo(with 8x AGP)? this machine will be for gaming...here are my system specs so far


intel p4 2.8Ghz

Corsair XMS pc2700 1 gig (2 x 512mb)

radeon 9700 pro



thx to anyone who replys.....



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