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Just Bought Farcry


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well, it took me 2 years but i finnaly goto it. (20 bucks in the discount bin) so i start playing it, after i take a moment to soak in the beautiful graphics i start making some progress in the game. I get to the part with the research labs and im walking around and i see some wierd butt craping ape thing eating someone.


So im like.. Ah Poo... I walk around some more and sure enough before long the monkeys come after me. And sure enough they scared the living bajebus out of me. At that point, I got myself a new pair of underware, and started playing WOW.


Its daylight now maybe i can muster the courage to play..


Still its a SWWEEETTTT game.

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Guest PoopsicleBoy

i plan to get it soon. where did you purchase yours for 20 bucks?

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Guest Jeremy

Have you played Doom 3? If you got freaked out by those apes you'll have a heartattack in Doom 3.

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I love games like Farcry, good things will come from this example, games where this is alot of possible situations and paths through the game are very interesting not to mention awesome graphics, I like games with interative inviroment, all the more real, however, realize they have to make this game playable for those who can't get the best computer setups, realize how good it would have been if it was made for those of us who can have a fast processor and a gig of ram and a good Video card. maybe someday the holodeck really will be invented.

Or not but at least we can imagine.

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its not really that they scare me its just a combination of not knowing when the mothers are gonna jump at you. (did I mention how much damage they do with taht dang jump)

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I'd install it again, but it has problems installing on SP2 if I remember correctly. I wasn't a big fan of the gun fights, and the player models remind me of that movie "toy soldiers" a bit too much. But, I do like walking around the nice island and sneaking around. :)



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