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Painting A Ps2 Controller

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IS there somewhere that i can get a guide on how to paint a Sony PS2 Controller?

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I don't know of one off the top of my head, but I bet it's about as simple as painting an Xbox controller. Just unscrew it, take out the insides, paint, put it back together. I put an LED in my Xbox controller, it was very simple to take apart. Hopefully PS2's are the same way.

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left over vinyl clings make excellent masking material ant to paint the take it a part store the insides then sand and clean the extrior with some e high purity isoprolyl acohol and then prime sand clean with acogol wait and hour to dry paint wait the aloted drying time and hit it with a cloupe of coats of clear coat and let dry then put it bak together and your done

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do you now how to keep the letters on the the front of the ps2 controller?


The should come out, so you won't have to tape 'em or anything.

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left over vinyl clings make excellent masking material ant to paint the take it a part store the insides then sand and clean the extrior with some e high purity isoprolyl acohol and then prime sand clean with acogol wait and hour to dry paint wait the aloted drying time and hit it with a cloupe of coats of clear coat and let dry then put it bak together and your done


Have you ever done this?

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The process he described is simply a relatively standard way you go about painting plastics, so yes it should work just fine.

As for keeping the letters on the pad.. either screen them off with something, as suggested. Or you could make yourself a stencil (this might be fiddly, but then screening letters so small would be fiddly as well) of the letters and then spray them on after then main colour (before the clearcoat). This would mean you could do them in any colour you wanted as well.

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What ever you do clear coat it a couple of times.

Clear coat will make like a shield over your paint, airbrusing involves a lot of masking and multiple coats not always over everything meaning there's diffrent hights in the paint that you can almost feel, with clearcoats everything becomes smooth and even ;)

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