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I'm Gonna Go All Out

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ive decided that instead of beating around the bush with a 6800GT i wanna save up more and get the Ultra.... now i did a pricewatch search and found a eVGA 6800Ultra for $414 shipped.. there are a lot of eVGA cards there with increasing prices.... and there is an XFX for $464 and a BFG for $474 is that extra money for the BFG worth it over the eVGA.. i mean they have the same chipset.. a 6800ultra... what would be the pros/cons of the eVGA and the BFG.. id like to save as much money as possible, but i dont wanna buy a pos card either.... i need opinions

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i really dont care too much about warranties... ive never had to return anything ever... but i guess that doesnt mean i wont ever need to... but next paycheck if im over $500 ill get the BFG just kuz BFG owns from what i hear

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Guest Silenc3

Kinda pointless buying a 6800u when you can OC a gt to U spec no?

Your money either way.

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doesnt the ultra have more pipelines and more bandwidth? and then the ultra can OC above it....


its kinda like the people who dont overclock are like.. why dont you just buy a faster processor so you dont have to OC.. well either way.. u buy a faster processor.. and you OC it as much as you can..


if im right, the ultra has the more pipelines and bandwidth?? and OC the ultra and it would haul butt... but ya ill wait til my next check and see how everything goes... if i have enough to pay my cell phone bill and stuff then ill get the ultra... i think my PSU should be ok for it.... when i get it and my 12v jumps, ill buy an OCZ or something haha

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The GT and Ultra are the same, except that the GT has lower clock speeds. My eVGA 6800GT OC's like a beast and I have had no problems with it. Get the GT, save some money, and get the NV Silencer 5 and shoot fot the moon. My GT owns, I have some benches up somewhere when we had the video card benching war awhile back. I got like a 12,200 in 3DMark03, thats with a regular old 2500+ Barton, not many people can boast that, I think.

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