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Whats The Point

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Can someone explain to me the point of PCI-Express x1. I dont know what its for, and I'm not going to be able to get my MOBO until I do.

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I have pci-e board... i dont use those little ones since i havent found any use for them or any components that go into them... i just use my VID card slot *16 slot *obviously* everything else on my board is up to date... i dont need a modem since i have adsl 512/512 ;\

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Things that will require low amounts of bandwidth will use the x1 and x4 slots. I'm guessing a network card would fit on a x1 slot, and a sound card would fit on either a x1 or x4 slot. A TV Tuner would probably fit on a x4 slot.


Since hard drives have max burst speeds of 150 MB/s, I'm guessing you would be able to stick an expansion controller on a x1 slot. Don't know of much else that uses PCI slots nowadays, considering most of the stuff you need is already on the back of the mobo (USB, Firewire, NIC) or has connectors for the front (USB, Firewire, Sound).


It WOULD be really cool if they released tiny cards to go along with the tiny slots.......

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they better make a b@d@$$ audigy that supports pci-x systems because all that intergrated sound is horrible...



PCI-E systems, not PCI-X. PCI-X is the Apple thing........

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  • 10 months later...
Things that will require low amounts of bandwidth will use the x1 and x4 slots. I'm guessing a network card would fit on a x1 slot, and a sound card would fit on either a x1 or x4 slot. A TV Tuner would probably fit on a x4 slot.


Since hard drives have max burst speeds of 150 MB/s, I'm guessing you would be able to stick an expansion controller on a x1 slot. Don't know of much else that uses PCI slots nowadays, considering most of the stuff you need is already on the back of the mobo (USB, Firewire, NIC) or has connectors for the front (USB, Firewire, Sound).


It WOULD be really cool if they released tiny cards to go along with the tiny slots.......



That's exactly what I wanted to know so I could make an informed decision on a near-future purchase. You would expect tiny cards to be released to match the size of the slot they occupy, it's common sense, otherwise the back end of the card would be unsupported, it would just be bad design if they weren't.

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