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Getig Into Wc/peltiers


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ok, this will be my first WC/Peltier setup, it will only cool CPU, ive got a GREAT air cooleron GPU, and chipset HA i laugh in your face you silly wetter of otherpwoples beds!

my system specs are listed below, and i get about (idle/heavy) cpu: 30/45 im hoping to get that below 0*C if it is posible. Here is a list of the parts i have chosen. I have done alot of reading and know all about condensation so please spare yourself the time of telling me that, but please tell me if this is a good setup and let e know anyhting, or point me in the direction of something that i should know plz. thank you


Water Block


8Ft of tubing and a y spliter



2 YS 125CFM 120MM fans




The rad wil be installed on the top of my case, i will build a protective "sheild" for it, and i will have another PSU powering the pelt up there too. this does however have to be a mobile system, i take it back and forth from moms and dads once a week

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From what I've learned about pelt setups, you'd be better off saving your money for a phase change cooler like a Mach II...especially for a travelling system. Easier to set up, deal with, and will be less likely to have MAJOR problems. Pelts are NOT for the uninitiated...AT ALL.

But, if small electronics fires and wasting a bunch of money is your thing....go right ahead.


Really though, your WC setup looks cool, but I'd stay away from pelts for a first setup....but thats just me.

BTW, I'll bet the pelt would cool better if it was upside down ;):P:lol:

Edited by Pent uP Rage

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so wait, should i avoid WC all together if its a mobile system, i mean, there wont be leaks if im careful about it right? right? well, oh well, just looking for a way to blowmy tax returns....and looking for a better way to cool my system rather then open a window when i game...

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yes...:withstupid: i dont think anyone with a pelt uses a RBX block... its kinda waste of money :) it wasnt design for pelt.. i say, save the trouble and get this instead :D


http://www.frozencpu.com/ex-blc-134.html or



those 2 stuff will save you a whole lot of trouble .. and you wont reach below 0C man... using that 226W pelt should let you reach closes 10C load temps if your watercooling is really good... to get below subzero you need like 400W..


hope that helps..

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vapochills are pre built phase change coolers :P though it will cost you more, so some ppl built their own..but for that you need the proper skills, knowledge and equipment..


cool a pelt with a pelt  then you can cool that pelt with another one. And on and on. 


LOL if you do that, your electric bill gonna jump man... a pelt by itself is already an inefficient way of cooling things, let along having a series of it cooling each other off.. haha haha

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