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hehe...and I did mean both occult and oc-cult. that's the joy of the wording. multiple meanings. :)


but i'm up for other suggestions, that was just somehting i thought of quickly (but i'd be happy with it too....the more i think about it, the more i like).


and i think any non-occers who join should be required to join the board and at minimum post in this forum...but would be nice if they participated in the site as a whole.

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Yes, that would be good.. even if they only posted in the KAL thread here.


When I get home for easter I will be happy to join the guild, whatever it ends up being called. I'll be able to play regularly once it gets to the summer as well.. will have a 'proper' connection when I move into a house in Aug/Sept.

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hehe...my kind of humor...


yeah, they should definitely be encouraged to fold for us here as well.


Here are some guild questions we should answer:


1) What will the leadership structure of the guild be?

2) Do we want to contribute geons as well as XP to create a guild slush fund?

3) How should we recruit new members?

4) How should we promote ourselves?


Here are my suggestions:

1)I really don't know this one....this we as a group must decide (besides Aimen as guild leader)


2) I think a weekly donation dependent on lvl is a nice idea (taken from CONCORD guild)...the money in the fund can be used selectively to replace items broken when enchanting as well as used to purchase items for guild members. High lvl items can be purchased when funds are available and ist waiting for someone to buy them from the guild. This can also be used to purchase items and have a guild store for non-members to buy from as a means of making more money for the guild.


3)To recruit new members, we should definitely only go after people we have played/partied/know in KAL. Invite-only will help create a guild full of people with good intentions and the friendly attitude we at OCC have come to love.


4)This is tied into number 3....we promote ourselves as a friendly guild here to help both our members as well as create a better atmosphere in KAL itself. We want this game to be fun for all, and that starts with making a safe haven of fun for us...and we hope this attitude will spread.


These are my thoughts, I just want to maket his guild more than just a name underneath our character names. I feel it must be worth it for us to be contributing our hard-earned XP.

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sounds like a good idea to me :)


here's my thoughts:


1) Aimen would make a great leader, the guy is generous, considerate and easy to get along with, in game and out... I think issues we have to deal with should be brought to him first and then addressed/dealt with, based on the views of the other guild members... Maybe like a round table proposition? Though a branching hierarchy might be kool as well (ie: 1 leader, 2 supervisors, 3 councilmen, etc. ) ;)


2) I would definitely be up for recurring structured donations. We could assess what should be put in by each member based off of the level, armaments, and funds that member has for that donation period


3) Some people might say two-thirds of a vote is enough to let someone in, but I think if we want to keep things well structured and balanced then a unanimous vote should be needed. If a third of the guild can't get along with a new member, then arguments and guild structure breakdown might happen. We want to have fun with ALL the other guild members not just some.


4) Sorry, I'm no good in the marketing department :P



Again, these are just my opinions... Take whatever bits and pieces of it you want and leave the rest as llama feed. ;)

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hehe...my kind of humor...


yeah, they should definitely be encouraged to fold for us here as well.


Here are some guild questions we should answer:


1) What will the leadership structure of the guild be?

2) Do we want to contribute geons as well as XP to create a guild slush fund?

3) How should we recruit new members?

4) How should we promote ourselves?


Here are my suggestions:

1)I really don't know this one....this we as a group must decide (besides Aimen as guild leader)


2) I think a weekly donation dependent on lvl is a nice idea (taken from CONCORD guild)...the money in the fund can be used selectively to replace items broken when enchanting as well as used to purchase items for guild members.  High lvl items can be purchased when funds are available and ist waiting for someone to buy them from the guild.  This can also be used to purchase items and have a guild store for non-members to buy from as a means of making more money for the guild.


3)To recruit new members, we should definitely only go after people we have played/partied/know in KAL.  Invite-only will help create a guild full of people with good intentions and the friendly attitude we at OCC have come to love.


4)This is tied into number 3....we promote ourselves as a friendly guild here to help both our members as well as create a better atmosphere in KAL itself.  We want this game to be fun for all, and that starts with making a safe haven of fun for us...and we hope this attitude will spread.


These are my thoughts, I just want to maket his guild more than just a name underneath our character names.  I feel it must be worth it for us to be contributing our hard-earned XP.



1)From what ive heard and seen. There are 4 rankings.


-2.Sub-Leader or Co-leader

-3.Tagged Member

-3.Normal Memeber


As far as Taged members, you can have different types but they all are pretty much normal members with guild tags under his/her name. I was planning on give 2 others Co-leader and those who donated 160k exp, taged members.


2)Contribution, this is a touchy subject. I plan to have 'guild-items' but they will only be available for tagged members that can be trusted (somehow). Geon donations are not really needed, and i think it might cause problems keeping track of all the money.

Though, i was gonna make a 'OCCult-BOT' char and have him check-out guild items.

Maybe he could store money aswell, i am just worried about people abusing the money (and turning out like me who always brake weapons, but i can afford it).

Guild items, will mostly consist of my drops and can be used as backups when a member brakes something.


3)Recruitment, Another touchy subject. Ill say first off, this wont be a OCC-only guild because if it was it wouldnt get anywhere and for now, i am sorry to say but in order to get the guild leveled. Really we can only have level30+ members. Voting on admitence, i think first it will be up to tagged members, if it passes with 2/3s vote, it is then up to Co-Leader/Leaders. If the 3-4 of us don't agree, him/her is not in.


4)I agree ;)




Anyway, i guess the name is gonna be OCCult unless better/bigger things come up, frankly i like it so i dont mind.


Anyway, you have till the 12th (not the 11th, i am gonna wait for a friend, Jiyoung)


As far as non-occers joing off the bat


-Aimen (level 35)

-Kaizhi (level 34)

-Jiyoung (level 32)

-Kurosen (level 25 ;) )

-Bipolar (level 30)

-(unknown if i cant find someone, it will be my bot)... so any lvl30ish occer wisper

Aimen around 3:00-4:00pm PST on the 12th will get in

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