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K im getting 2 green cathodes (each 12" long). I am not sure where to put them though. If anyone has good pointers please feel free to share. I'm looking to get maxium light inside my case.

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What case do you have? I put my cathodes on all four sides of the window of my case (since I have 4 x UV cathodes). One goes on the floor of the case as close to the case window as possible so its pretty much hidden from view. You can attatch 2 cathodes vertically onto either side of the the side window itself provided you have the clearance. Also I put the final one of the roof of the chassis itself. All cables were JUST long enough to reach the inverts that were hidden behind my HDD cage :)


Since you only have 2 cathodes I assume it will be pretty easy, I recommend one on the floor and one of the roof of the chassis. Also for it to look the best you generally dont want the cathode itself to be seen, only the light, so try to hide them if you can. Ultimately though its up to you so just try them in different positions and see what works out the best :)

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i just got two cold cathodes (12" blue) and i put one at the bottom and one on the left side when looking in as the dvd drive cage stopped me from putting one in the top. I put the inverter in a spare dvd drive bay and modded the switch in the bezel along with two leds to show its on. the only problem I had is that i had to modify the leads for the cathode on the left and make them longer as they wasnt long enough but they are great and worth the

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I epoxy'd my cathodes just on the edges of my window so you can't see em but they give off good light..but yeah i know..thats kind of uber permenat, some people like to put em above their mobo but I can't imagine that making a lot of light, just my two cents.

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No offence lethal93ta but i'd put the drive cage one on the bottom if i were you, there's nothing UV in that corner, you are loosing all that light and you'd get even more UV effect in the bottom ;)


REally nice case Btw and a monster of a HS :O

Edited by kobalt

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where I have them is more than fine, it lights up everything in my case fine the way it is, when I put it at the bottom when I have my side cover on it make it glare to much and you cant see inside then, its just a big blue peice of plexi.

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