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This Is Sooo Retarded


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first of exeter, i think you should stick to the subject instead of subjecting yourself to character assassination. of course i know what irrational is, why would i use it otherwise? this only tells me that you cant find anything to make fun of so you have to go after my spelling, while im sure you yourself make mistakes at some point.


anyways, that was just an example, and i think you were thinking i was using it in the wrong way. the point was, my teacher has no reason for the worksheets, guess what i learn, NOTHING. its a waste of my time, which really irks me. i can respect a good hobby, though i may not like it or know much about it. history is fine too if its interesting to you, but dont try to tell me there is any other point than that.


if you must know, your talking to a 4.0 student, and while that may mean NOTHING to you, at least it does lend to the fact that im willing to work for my grade, even though the work is meaningless... that doesnt mean i have to like it.


im all for hard work, as long as it gets me somewhere. everything must have a reason, without it, why bother? <_<

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Being MANY years older, it is pointless to argue.. There is no way you (or I when I was that age) will understand what good it all does.


History? so we don't repeat it ( or repeat the good stuff)

Notes? you will have no idea how many notes, messages, and communications you will have to read, write, and save until you are much older.


Congrats on the 4.0, something to truly be proud of



and to the original question, i did a search on Google... here is just one example found at:

Tek Tips Forums


here is the question:






And another quote from Networknewz.com:


Documenting your network

By Brien Posey


Undocumented networks are extremely common. Many times this is related more to the difficulty of keeping the documentation up to date rather than to the difficulty of the documentation process itself. Many LAN Administrators had big dreams at one time of keeping elaborate drawings detailing every last aspect of the network. However, networks tend to change too frequently for such drawings to stay current. In spite of the difficulty, having a well documented network can help you solve problems quickly when they arise and is vital to the overall security of your network. In this article, we

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back to the topic, aye...


as ive said before, i cant stand irrational people. but in the case where LARGE ammounts of similar looking cables are being wired everywhere, i think it would be very wise to learn how to take good, detailed notes that others can read.

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i think it would be very wise to learn how to take good, detailed notes that others can read



Ahhhh my young friend.. we have found some common ground to agree upon.


and we move on with our lives

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i dunno mercury, maybe you're smarter than a lot of people and understand Elizabethan English perfectly, but assuming you don't, (which is probably the case) taking notes on subplots may seem tedious and pointless, but will not only help you become more comfortable with the language, but also give you a greater appreciation of the complex level at which Shakespeare writes.


I'm not trying to bust your balls or anything, I'm just making the general point that although it may not seem like it, teachers probably have a reason for almost everything they assign you. They don't like grading stuff anymore than you like doing it.



Oh yeah... how are you gonna know the purpose until you do it.

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hmm..since thi topic is still active...for some reason...heh, I thought Id give you guys a little update.

I graduated and guess what i got in networking? a D. Its really wierd too because on the last day of school I had a 78% and then I took the final and got a B on it....its really wierd that getting a B on my final dropped my 78 to a D....really weird indeed. On the plus side, it doesnt matter, Im out of there and Im on to college no problem. Its just stupid.

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A question to Mercury:


I wasnt going to say anything because you guys pretty much covered it...but...mercury.....are you honestly calling your teacher a dumbass because he's doing what he is supposed to do. He has to give you a grade...therefore he has to give you something to do so that he can grade it...and I'm sure he's hoping...that just maybe by making the class do tedious worksheets...that just maybe something will stick in your head. Don't blame a person for doing what they are supposed to. You get a little more freedom once you graduate highschool and go to college..however...you still have required classes...and trust me....some college professors can put you into a coma from bordom....try sitting through a one hour chemistry lecture listening to Mr. monotone...highschool prepares you for that...its part of life no matter how much it sucks..college Profs are much less forgiving then high school teachers....you'll be begging for a simple little worksheet....but besides all that...it's still good to be a well rounded person....you never know when you may actually use some of that information you originally thought pointless....you'll understand this later..we've all been there ;)

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in order


tiki, i really *WI. there were a valid reason for doing the worksheets, but trust me, there isnt. im probably the only one in my class who actually understands what they are saying. I just think its just plain DUMB. Many are love stories, with a bit of comedy. If you even understand the jokes, they really arnt even that funny. To me, shakespeare is just another author. my point is, why should we go off down the line of 16th century romantic plays? is there something about it that makes them more educational than say, "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen? not really. i think it should be up to us to decide what we personally would like to read, since we obviously dont all have similar interests and career plans


ronin, this is probably since your teacher grades with a weighted system. IE, tests make up 50% of your grade... its not really an average


celtica, first off, my teacher is a she. ive also sat through many college courses, and personally, id rather do hard work than pointless work. english reading, what are you supposed to do? reading is such a broad subject, its impossible to teach it all. letting students read their own books is the only way. but we all have to read the same book. so your saying my teacher, since she has nothing to give us, makes us do pointless work. thats the problem with irrational things, they spawn more irrationality. heres one of the assignments: "create a funny ryme or riddle kinda like this person did in this scene, then act it out with other classmates!" seriously, if you can find how making up a stupid riddle is really going to help me by any valid ammount, id gladly agree with you :blink:

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First of all.... of your teacher has nothing to do with my point.....my point is....what do you expect?....Do you expect your teacher to say "OK everyone find something you each like...i'll make sure that each thing is approved by the school etc etc...and then i'll make out 20 different lesson plans(or more),one for each student and spend countless hours grading"(and that would just be for one class)....point is....they have guidlines to follow(school board,state etc)...they have to give you assignments...because they have to have something to grade to prove that you are doing something..otherwise they get into trouble...they don't always have the freedom to chose what book they get to teach..just the way it is...deal with it..make the grade..and move on...college...is the same way...you have to take a core curriculum before you can take the classes pertaining to your major etc....it isnt fun...but you do what you gotta do...Anyway, about that assignment....it is supposed to teach you creativity,communication, and social skills....all very important...sometimes you have to look beyond the assignment to learn the actual lesson....just because you think something is pointless doesn't mean it is....if we all got to choose what we wanted to learn everyone would be a straight A student (which wouldn't mean much), and the spectrum of our education would be way too narrow....if you are as intelligent as you believe yourself to be....then you would know that it is better to learn as many things as possible even if they aren't all relative to your interests....one of lifes lessons is to learn to do things that you don't always want to do...no matter what career you go into...you will be faced with it...learn to deal with it now...unless you plan on being one of the lucky ones who get a dream job of doing exactly what you want to do, being you're own boss, and having everyday be interesting and fun... :lol: ..yeah it could happen ;)












--- Our reason is not to question why, it is but to do or die

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first off, the class is not based on a wieghted grading system and second my test average is somthing like 88% if not higher.


2nd, reading crappy assigned books is good because it teaches you how to read crap, you're going to have to because your office will be sending you memo's that are utter pieces of crap. Also, somtimes you discover a new author you might actually like and lastly it gives you a glimpse into the minds of the author and the people that are running the show(ie running the school and picking the books)


I hate worksheets just as much as you, in fact probably more, I was a bad student for my first 3 years of hs because I simply wouldnt do them, ace the tests, ace the essays but give me a work sheet? bah, I whipe my behind with it. What you really have to do is think about your goals, whats the goal of highschool? For me it was Have fun and then in my senior year it was have more fun and be a good student. What you should think about is having fun but getting into college. The point of high school is to decide where you will goto college...and how to deal with dramatic and skanky girls.


Im guessing you probably dont have a job, I have a really crappy job, actually I have 3 jobs. But the job Ive had the longest is working at blackjack pizza, that job teaches you how to turn off your brain and go through the motions, if I had figured that out i would have been doing worksheets in highschool but i didnt. Sure it takes time and sure it sucks but unless its math or science then doing the worksheet wont take a very long time.


Learn the system, use the system...and if no one is looking abuse the system :)

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I think ronan has finally found something useful! How to do pointless work! I guess I should used to doing pointless work, since there is plenty of it to do, aye...


while I would love to try every single electives tree in my school (not) that means I would have to give up classes that are going towards my career path. I would rather my education be deep and narrow than shallow and wide.


To tell you the truth, I probably work harder than any of you did (or are doing) in school, so you don

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