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Recovering Data


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Yeah I've put SP2 on a bunch of Dells and other computers where I work and there hasnt been any problems yet. I think I may put it on when I get my new drive here.


Now back on topid:

ANyone else know any other free or very cheap methods to get my data back?

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There is a program that may work. It is by a company called Stellar Pheonix. You can check it out HERE. I had to use this program a few months ago when my 160G SATA (also Maxtor) drive went ka-blue-eee. You can download a demo from them and it will tell you if you can recover the data from the drive or not. Since I was able to recover mine, I got the program. I think it was a bit more expensive, like maybe 60 or more. I was able to recover most of the stuff off the drive, most importantly 3 yrs worth of digital pics.


You will need to install the drive in another (working) machine, install the program to that computer and (if you can) recover the files to a different physical drive. Make sure you have enough free space.


Good luck

Edited by Saggitarius

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah I've put SP2 on a bunch of Dells and other computers where I work and there hasnt been any problems yet.  I think I may put it on when I get my new drive here.


Now back on topic:

ANyone else know any other free or very cheap methods to get my data back?




Sanosuke_Sagara - That's the first I've heard of Sp2 disabling cable-select. Shoot My computer is running fine w/ it setup that way right now.


henbenley- If you don't have a windows cd, then buy one. If you don't want to buy one then any LINUX distribution (RedHat Fedora is free to download and installs in a zip) and hook up your bad drive to that - copy the files over to the LINUX partition and your golden

Edited by jerdubois

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh i have an XP home CD here that i almost never used...mainly bc i lost my key lol. IF i can burn a copy ill send it to ya so you can reinstall....if nto ill just have to keep it bc of all the PCs that i reformat, i use that CD on other XP home PCs.

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I've tried hooking it up as a slave and that hasnt done a thing.


And waterlou - why would a buy another copy of windows when I own a CD key and liscense already I just need a disk cause I lost mine.


And freezer idea didnt work.


I'm going to try burning everything that is ABSOLUTLY nesesary to cds cause its a 120gb drive that was full so that is my last resort cause all else has failed me.

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well like 2 days Ago i saw in CSI... that they were recovering an HD..... not sure if it really works... or anything like that.. but they opened up the dead hd... took out like the CD.... and put it in another HD......... and then they did a strange scan :S

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ya what they did in csi is true but for one of us to do that would cost upwards of 800 dollars just for a few gigabytes of data, thats the only way i can think of you getting your data back!



at work we had a lady come in and have us send the thing to the nerest forensic lab thingy were all they do is data recovery and it was in california and it cost her 8grand to save 10 years of quicken files

Edited by ThunderChicken

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