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Recovering Data


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Is it in anyway possible to recover data from a dead hard drive. I've tried hooking it up to my other computer and it will give me an error about inpage file or something. Mjy hard drive just died after the power went out for a minute. Its a maxtor drive if that makes any diffference. I REALLY need every last thing from this drive. I know I should have backed up but I really need absolutly everything.


Any advice??

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im not rich and dont have a lot of money to spend on someone professionally doing this, they dont even give any prices on thier site.


edit: heres some more info on the drive


it will start booting into windows (xp home boot logo) and then a blue screen with some text pops up and the machine reboots before i can read anyhitng it says


ive tried safe mode, and normal mode, im about to go find my knoppix disk to see if that will do any good

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lol lend u a xp disk ahahahha i only got a dell xp home disk lol ......

I have a CD key and I would send the disk back to them. So I dont see whats wrong with it. If anyone wants to send me one I would gladly accept it. :)


EDIT: anyone know how the hell to do this in knoppix? it doesnt want to copy from the f'ed up drive to a good drive


EDIT2:Alright Im using knoppix now and i can see and use any file from the f'ed up drive, but it just will not copy them to another hard drive

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could you burn cd's of the data from knoppix? assuming you have multiple cd drives....


Also, I don't think Knoppix can write to NTFS. It can read it, but not write, so if the drive you are going to is in NTFS, that could be part of the problem. If you can make it FAT to get you data and then back it up before going back to NTFS, that might do it for you.


Edit: If NTFS is the problem, check out LinuxDefender. Another linux liveCD distro that can write to NTFS.

http://www.bitdefender.com/bd/site/products.php?p_id=40 download the iso at the bottom of the page.

Hope this helps.

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I have mulitple cd drives and could burn disks, the only problem is I dont want to have to burn nearly 20gb of the important stuff on the drive.


Why cant knoppix write to NTFS drives. I really dont like that at all. Maybe on Sunday I'll get a new hard drive and partition it in FAT and then copy the files to it, then put them on an NTFS drive and install windows on the new drive.


I'm going to try live defender now to see if that does anything.

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Is the drive DEAD? Dead as in physically damaged and will no longer work in any computer and can no longer be formated, ect? If it is it will be VERY expensive to restore (probbaly several hundred to over a thousand dollars).


If it still works but has a deleted partition or was formated or some other non-physical mishap, you can probably get a good chunk of what was on it by using a data recovery program.

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