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Best Mobo For A Xp 3200+

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ok so i have a va-10 mobo right now but that only puts out 333 for my ram and i think it doesnt let my cpu put out all the way and i would lik to be able to oc it pretty well so anyone have sugestions on mobos?


i was thinking either....



K8N Neo Platinum

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Abit Nf7-s, great board, i have hit 2.7 ghz on 3200+ on just air cooling, very stable.

product description below


He was reffering to a Athlon 64 even though his top title indicates a Athlon XP.

Between the two, I would pick the DFI.

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i did reading and research on my board before getting it, i do have the best ABIT board for amd XP, i really do recommend this because, not only reading, but ive had the setup quite some times, and the board has not given me any type of problems... its really more about the experience.

Edited by Overclockersdream

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i did reading and research on my board before getting it, i do have the best ABIT board for amd XP, i really do recommend this because, not only reading, but ive had the setup quite some times, and the board has not given me any type of problems... its really more about the experience.

ummm what board would that be?

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