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Please Help System Reboots


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I think this is the craziest thing ever.

I recently put my system in a new case, nothing special, cheap. Well the system started being wierd, it would just randomly reset or freeze, then not reboot at all. So i thought the psu in the case would be problem, cheap Powmax. ordered a ultra x-connect, but that comes next tuesday. doing some experimenting to see if something else could be the problem. I set my system on it's side so i can access everything fine.


I remove the side panel and unplug case fans, run it for an hour no problems, so i but the side panel back on. It resets in about 6 minutes.


I think maybe inside to hot, which i have never seen case temp reach higher than 45 entire time I am doing this and cpu no higher than 40c. so hook case fans back up and boot with side panel off. Runs perfect for 30 minutes, put side panel on and it resets in about 5 minutes.


now I am saying what the heck


one last thing to confirm my thoughts about the panel

I boot with case fans and side panel on. gets in to windows and resets in 2 minutes.


I have no idea what could be happening.

If any one has some ideas it would be greatly appreciated

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sounds like something might be shorting out - make sure that if you are using fan 3 prong adapters to 4 prong molex adapters that there isnt a fan control wire loose that might be grounding out and that you dont have your case led wire connectors connected wrong - and make sure that the case doesnt have some sort of integrated "case open" plug :S

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it deff sounds like your PSU is not supplying adiquite power.. if you say your compuer works when your case fans are unpluged.. then i would say its deff your PSU.. and BTW.. i realy hope your CASE TEMPS are not 45C lol

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it deff sounds like your PSU is not supplying adiquite power.. if you say your compuer works when your case fans are unpluged.. then i would say its deff your PSU.. and BTW.. i realy hope your CASE TEMPS are not 45C lol

that is what is wierd it works even when case fans are plugged in, only time it happens if the case side is ON. According to bios and MBM case is 45c top, i have spots for 5 fans but haven't bought more than two due to low quality psu and not wanting to cheap out on them.

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I haven't seen your case but as some have said it might be your PS and the reboot with the side pannel on "COULD" be cause when you put it on, the side pannel touches your PS and if there's some kind of a small short in there somewhere it simply drains a lot of power to the ground (like in ground pin)till it jumps by itself, or heat's up too much with the same result :unsure: Or your mobo or another cable is doing the same thing,touching somewhere when you put the pannel on.

Notice the big could :P


But it definately is a PS problem ;)

I haven't read the other posts but did you checked with another PSU?

Edited by kobalt

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yian, best thing you ever did was get rid of that powmax psu, they're crap, i had an 8yr old 250W AOpen psu that would power a P4 system that a brand new powmax 400W psu couldn't even boot up, not even post


i think it is a combination of heat and the cheap psu, psu's become less efficient when they get hotter, so i would say wait for the new psu, add some case fans, and then you'll be okay

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Never go cheep on the PSU.. because if you think about it.. its one of the most important yet neglected things in your computer.. it supplies your computer with nice clean power

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i have never paid for an actual psu they just come with my cases, go through a lot because i like modding them, and i am not dropping more than 30 to alter it. I knew i was getting a new one before i bought this case, it was just money. but i ordered it before even installing in this case, and it should be here tuesday.


i had thought about the panel touching cables and there were none, or the psu overheating but it feels cold to the touch. I will try another one of my pos psu, hopefully when my ultra comes it will all be good.



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is the chassis introusion (sp?) switch riged up wrong?

I am sorry i have no idea what you are talking about


Well, sure enough it was the stupid powmax psu, i switched it for some other garbage 300w PBS or something psu, and it has run 5 hours no issues. fans and everything hooked up.

Sure says a lot about powmax when another pos company can put out a better psu at 300 when powmax's is 450.

Thanks for the help.

Edited by yian

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