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Slow Loading Times With Occ


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seems as though OCC has been "lagging" out recently - pages have been loading VERY slowly, showing a LOT of page cannot be displayed, and multiple posting like in this thread:




where lego was having problems and posted around 9 consecutive posts

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HUmm that's odd. But i dont seem to ahve problems that much at home, mostly at school where around 30 PCs share one cable connection. It gets slow when some bastard starts streaming 300kps music videos


Still no where near as slow as it was the night that i took this screen shot lol. i think LP was doing site maintenance and accidently crashed it more or less for about 10mins lol

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cchalogamer: That was my fault most likly. :P


MindDrive: What pages give you an error? What was the server load at? What time/date did/do you have these problems? Who is your ISP? Any firewalls, routers, etc.? What browser?

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well its not my isp - i tested the isp and was getting my normal upload/download speeds


as for when - right before i posted this original thread - dont quite know what the site load was cause i go right to the forums


in a completely different related problem i tried posting a new thread and then tried to edit it and submit modified post and it kept going back to the EDIT post screen - dont know if it edited it or not as of yet..........


as for firewalls i dont have one software or hardware, and im running internet exploder


it seems to be fine now - its just weird that i could browse other windows fast as normal and then come back to occ and it would wind up either still loading or page cannot be displayed -- even after refreshing


*edit* i take that last part back - its still loading somewhat slower than usual

Edited by MindDrive

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It may not be your ISP directly, but could be one of their DNS servers or could be the route between you and here.


Site load is very important. Check the main page, if the load is high, then yes, pages will load slowly. If it's overloaded, you may not be able to connect at all.




See LinuXProX's message below.

Edited by d3bruts1d

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