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Ok, well I'm making a simple site to use as my homepage and I am doing it in frames, the top frame is my "nav bar" with links to sites "yes OCC is definitly on there, and then I want the bottom frame to display the sites from the links in the top frame. All I have been able to do is set it up so that if I click on the link, then it stays in the top frame and my "nav bar" goes away, I want it so that i can always see my nav bar thing all of the time. Any help?

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Set the target = to the name of the frame you want the page to display in...




<A HREF="http://www.overclockersclub.com" target="mainframe">OCC</A>


To make it display in a new window it would be target="_blank" and to display in the currect window use target="_parent".

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Ahh thank you D3!



Edit: Well crap, after changing that all I get now is the page opens up in a new window, here is an example of one of my links

<a href="http://www.my.msn.com"target="website">MSN</a>


Oh and website is the name of the html doc that starts as my 2nd frame

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General I'll give you what all Ive got, make changes if need be and all, I want to know what I screwed up tho! I dont think it should take you much time at all, but if you cant find time for it then you dont have to mess with it...Keep in mind that it is definitly just a rough draft so it looks pretty uhh whats a word for it...sh!tty right now!!!


if the download doesnt work then I can send it to you thru AIM or email, whatever it may take

Edited by DECwakeboarder

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Ahh thank you D3!



Edit: Well crap, after changing that all I get now is the page opens up in a new window, here is an example of one of my links

<a href="http://www.my.msn.com"target="website">MSN</a>


Oh and website is the name of the html doc that starts as my 2nd frame

 href="http://www.my.msn.com" target="website">MSN</a>

u forgot a space between ' " ' and 'target'

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Actually, the space isn't required, as long as you include everything in quotes. The quotes break up each paramater of the A tag (or any other html tag). Spaces just make it easier to read.

<A HREF="http://www.overclockersclub.com" target="_blank">OCC</A>

is the same as...

<A HREF="http://www.overclockersclub.com"target="_blank">OCC</A>

It'll work the same... but it is easier to read through if you do space. ;)


Actually, you don't even have to use quotes, as long as the url doesn't have a space. -- You must speace between each paramater in this case. This will work just fine as well:


<A HREF=http://www.overclockersclub.com target=_blank>OCC</A>



For simplicity sake, everyone just uses quotes and spaces:

<A HREF="http://www.overclockersclub.com" target="_blank">OCC</A>



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Ok well I had the space in there on most and on the ones I didnt I added it, but still, I get the same problem, it always opens in a new window



Edit: when I get back from school :angry: I can post all the code to what I have so far if that would help

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Ok well I had the space in there on most and on the ones I didnt I added it, but still, I get the same problem, it always opens in a new window



Edit: when I get back from school :angry: I can post all the code to what I have so far if that would help

I've created a "start page" for you based on what I think you are wanting. Feel free to edit the links in it, or anything else.


There are 3 files.


index.html - What you want to bookmark/open in the browser

topframe.html - This is the top frame, where your links will be

mainframe.html - This is just a place holder. The links from the top frame will replace this page.


Also... pages that refresh themself, like gmail does, may "break out" of the frameset.

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