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Liek Omg A Picture Of Me!

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I don't see how the gym has to do with my face... and I'd put a more... proper pic of me up, but I'm too lazy to do so at the moment :P... and by the way... DFI>ASUS *skeedaddles*


And I really look that young? I get told by plenty that I look mid-13 :blink:

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it's better than being barely 19 and being told you look 24 ... i argued with one of my managers once as she refused to believe my age. thankfully my drivers licence saved the day :)


enjoy being so young while ya can....school is far too easy compared to working...!

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I don't see how the gym has to do with my face... and I'd put a more... proper pic of me up, but I'm too lazy to do so at the moment :P... and by the way... DFI>ASUS *skeedaddles*


And I really look that young? I get told by plenty that I look mid-13 :blink:

lol. that's what i love about kiddies...they actually think mid-13 is that much older than almost 13 :P


and yes, it's obvious from just your face that you could use a little gym-work :P (not that i'm buff)

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LOL You think HSS is u.g.l.y then i will make him feel better and post my pic lol... Dont make fun of him, make fun of me... At least that way i can have a chance to defend myself verbally AND physically lmao.

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