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New King In Town ?


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Flagg7771234 +19 +353 2,459 432 2,656 16,323 17,411 169 Beware this guy is FLYING past people left and right. GREAT Job Flagg


Fold On !

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thanks, glad to be here!


I'm having alot of fun at this.


I'm hopeing that the small waves might wake some of the inactives up and get them back into the game. I really want to have the team tango with the "maxpc mag" team. yea, 11million, it's a dream..... however, this team has the peeps to do it!


the 28 spot is ours! and the dutch power cows will fall sooner than the 500 estimated days! "dutch power cows" sounds like a sorority! Revenge of the nerds? oh, wait, that was Mega-mooos ;) what the heck, there jus uh bunch a cows. "looks like meat's back on the menu, . Boys"





(question, my rank shows that I'm #129 in the block with my signature, but the roster shows me at 84... opps, 72 now. Anyone know why?)

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(question, my rank shows that I'm #129 in the block with my signature, but the roster shows me at 84... opps, 72 now. Anyone know why?)
You're moving up the ranks faster than than LP's new servers can change the ranking!!! :lol:


Edit: I just noticed my points are about 1,400 behind what I actually have. Must be related to the server move?

Edited by Nemo

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