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*cough ^ full of . *cough


You know how many people have threatened to go to canada if bush gets in office? A ton, and none of them ever left. I think you should set an example and just move up there now, cause you know this country will never elect a waffling lurch and a trial lawyer whos only interest is to please whomever they are talking to at the time.

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i agree g.w.b is a f(*& moron and if he gets back in office for another term i am going to canada

I agree... Seeing how things are just gunna become worse and worse as far as our rights being taken away and such... at least in canada you have a low murder rate. Has bush even tryed to solve that problem? NO because he dosent belive in gun controll. Hell in great britian its against the law to own pistols, you can only own one or two rifles for hunting purposes. The freaking police arnt even alowed to carry fire arms. All execpt special SWAT forces. This was just put in place like a yeah ago.

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Creating new laws will not do anything to stop gun violence. It will only prevent people who would never commit a gun crime from owning something that we are constitutionally guarenteed the right to own. No, creating new laws is not the answer. Just like border control, we need to enforce the current laws on the books. BTW general, are you aware that some of the places with the lowest murder rate in the country are places were you are required by law to own a gun? Kinda turns the whole "Guns cause a high murder rate" theory on its head. Can you imagine if everyone of the the hijacked flights of 9/11 had a gun? Those hijackers never would have even attempted to take it over. If everyone has a gun, nobody has an advantage if their trying to commit a crime. Would you bust into a jewelery shop and try to rob it knowing that everyone in there was packing heat? No, I would certainly hope not, unless you have a death wish. You see what Im saying?

Edited by andrusk

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Unless you've ever messed up while reading a teleprompter or a while giving a speech then you dont know how it feels to screw up like that. And unfortunately george isnt the best at reading off of said devices. Once you loose track of where you are or mess up a word, you're toast, you look stupid. But I guess you're right, being qualified to run a country shouldnt be based on issues, idioligies, or policies, I guess it should all be determined by who can give the best speech or read the teleprompter the best. :rolleyes:

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Those arent even real IQ scores. They even state they they are based on speeches, books, and other materials. Then they take those things and "they" score them based on the IQ tests.


They even say

No president other than Carter (D) has released his actual IQ, 176.


Obviously, this is a partisan effort to make republicans look stupid by creating a bias testing system. Unless it was based on actual tests taken by the presidents, then any results they come up with are purely a matter of opinion.

Edited by andrusk

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