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AMD vs. Intel

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I just figure it out. If you go out and buy a +3200 AMD ATHON XP it be around 200.000 somthing more or less around the price. You also could go out and buy a pentium 4 for 209.00 for a 3.0GHZ processor. You may ask why shouldn t i buy the intel but the intel motherboards Asus and other cost 250 - 300 dollars because they have to go up to 800 FSB so in the end you pay 500 - 600 dollars for just the motherboard. Then you got to go out and buy the case and other things. This is for somone those new to bulding computers. Thats why i stick with AMD when amd comes out with a 3.0GHZ processor it will cost a lot to buy the processor but the motherboard will cost maybe 200.000 better then paying 300 or 400 with intel way. maybe the processor will work faster too.

* Shakes Head* why would you say some thin like that ya i know its expencive for a soket T setup right now but that board will be half that price by christmas and when you think about it in the long run there both the same price unless you git a xp system from amd but the a64 and p4 are the same price what was it the begining of this year the 3.0's where 600 bucks now there 200 bucks like R said every thing is expencive when it first came out look at the FX-53 it came out not to long ago and it was 1K and now there down to 800 bucks ;)

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well after reading that guys post in the overclockign thread... about were all on glue because of amd.... im not sure if this is wrong, you guys didnt mention it or what, maybe i am on glues... but you say amd and intel is like apples and oranges... one will never be best or whatever....





Isnt AMD for gaming and such catigories? for speed, bits and much much more, while intel is for the "work' type on computer, procession docs, multi tasking and so foutrh....


this is what i heard anyways.. and its what i have come to belive... i am a gamer. and i will choose amd any day over intel... simple because i do not need intels "fake speed" because that intel speed will not help me in what i want 900.9 GHz for :-p down to the point id rather have my crappy amd xp 2400+ then the intel p4. jsut because 1 i dont need it and it wont do me no good...


however it does some good.... so in all essence intel and amd is like apples and oranges. apples are good for some people but not for some and same with oranges...



i belive its a case between what you use your computer for.



by the way you cant rhyme anythign with orange @_@

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snt AMD for gaming and  such catigories? for speed, bits and much much more, while intel is for the "work' type on computer, procession docs, multi tasking and so foutrh....

That's the popular line, but it's not necessarily true. While my Intel will take a bit of a beating against an A64, it can hold it's own against Athlon XP, and it stomped my brother's XP 2500+ Barton @ 2.3 Ghz.


It's tough when you like both companies. Everybody wants you to pick a side.

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heres the way i look at it if you want to do encodeing/rendering git a intel or a fx if you want gameing git a amd64 they all hold there own in benchmarks intel dose better at some things and amd dose better at some things you want a perfect all around system git both and glue them together and say ther one system :P

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I don t use p4 processors. I am amd person besides that would be that very smart stupid to buy a 1,000 dollar processor and then somone in the house break it or drop it and can t return it. 1,000 dollars down the drain. I am AMD person and thats the only kind I use.

Im sorry but that was the most retarded thing ive ever herd.


How can someone drop a proccessor. Do you keep it on your kitchen table?

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im sure theres a way to connect 2 motherboards to one case and split ide cabels and switch motherbaords by a wire... thus usign intel and amd...


Me right now having a amd xp 2400+ have no problems... Only problems are due to the harddrive being a 5200 RPM it dosnt have the greatest seek rate :(


Soon i am just gunna all out crazy and buy a new harddrive, cpu and ram and my cpu i dont need so great... i mena i havnt ever used a 64 so i dont know what im missing. so ill just get an xp 3200+ and be done or untill i get money enough i want to buy an abit or gigabyte mb and get a 64 fx or whatever.... also by that time i plan to maybe get the DDR2 ramm if they get any faster.....



In the long run... i dont hate intel.... now do i favor AMD just kind of like cars to some people... do you reall need a f-350 if all you need is a family car? and vice versa.

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every forum i go to there's always a guy sayin' P4 3.2GHz beats AthlonXP 3200+


IN MY OPINION, athlon xp3200+ is actually clocked at 2.2GHz ..

wait till they benchmark a P4 clocked at 3.2GHz against an Athlon clocked at 3.2GHz..

P4 won't stand a chance... :D

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