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Maze 4 Pelt Melted

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Here is what happens to a Maze 4 with a 226 watt pelt when your system springs a leak and there is no water to cool it, I droped it on the floor and broke the little corner pieces off of it, I just hope the 3.2EE is still ok!




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Did it spring a leak inside? Did everything else survive?

Well there was water inside the case and all over the table, I do not know yet what has survived, I unpluged it and got the maze 4 and CPU out, I have not touched it since. I am going to try and see if I can get it going this evening if I have time. I just got off work and have to go work on my dads computer in a few minutes, and then worked on some at a real estate office that I have been working on. I bought a new 3,2C and 3.0C and everything to put them together for folding and have not had time to put them together, for working on everyone elses stuff!




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hairdryer... make sure everythings dry as a bone...


one more reason for me not to buy a acrylic top waterblock...

Well even with a copper top it's still going to torch whatever's underneath it...the top won't make any difference at all.

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Guest Ballz2TheWallz

RR has enough for a new one anyway, sheesh what do you do for a living any RR?

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RR has enough for a new one anyway, sheesh what do you do for a living any RR?

Actually if it is not ok I was thinking about the 3.4EE, I have worked with/for my dad sinced he opened our/his family owned and operated commercial plumbing co. in 1976, I need to take time to see about the 3.2EE, I already bought another Asus P4C800 Deluxe as I will either need it for the 3.2EE or my 3.2C that is down. I also have everything to put together another new 3.2C and a 3.0C sitting in there waiting on me to put them together, I bought them for folding but have not had time to put them together. Maybe this weekend I will have time to see about some of them

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Whether you can afford it or not...THAT STILL SUX!!! Great picture.


This should be a small reminder of the dangers of this hobby we love so much. Sometimes . happens. If you had to fry a system, what better way but in the interest and advancement of science. What a way to go.


BTW, what made it spring that leak? Pressure? bad fittings or seals? I was looking at the exact same pump with a TDX minus the peltier.

Edited by Pent uP Rage

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