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Satellite Dsl

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Does anyone on here have or ever used satellite dsl? There is nothing available to me except Satellite dsl and 56k. I need to know how good or bad it is.

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seriously? man that's harsh. in the uk, if you have a phone then you are almost guaranteed dsl up to 2MBit... if you have cable you definitely can get at least 1MBit...


pretty cool since most people have a phone line... guess where you are they went with fibre-optics (foolishly) instead of copper wires... in the uk, they had to either revert back to copper or put a copper line alongside the fibre-op...




man, if those are you're only options then yeah i'm sorry for ya... i hear satellite dsl has nice download speed, sucky upload speed (i think that would be your 56k uploading), and pings that are useless for online gaming...


if you ain't gaming then it's cool to get satellite thanks to the nice d/l speed... dunno bout the prices tho...

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How many people here live on farms? If you don't even get moderate ADSL, you must be pretty remote.


This description seems to be quite balanced (not hiding anything). Seems latency (750 ms delay or worse) and shared bandwidth are problems. They might even "take action" if a certain activity might cause detriment to service as a whole.


Don't you even get 512/384 ADSL (or 1024/512) in your area? Even if you get slower downloads, that would on the whole be better than satellite sounds like to me.

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I do not know about the UK but here in US where I live dial up or Direct TV internet where the only 2 choices I had untill about 6 months ago, they finally ran cable in here. My neighbor has the Directway (Direct TV) internet so I was asking him how good it worked and he told me dial up was faster. I did some research on it a while back with Google and everyone was getting a decent download speed but up load was like the same a dial up, I did read that people with the newest reciever or what ever equipment they use was doing a lot better and faster upload.

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I live less than 100 miles from NYC and DSL still isn't available here. I guess it's a cost/benefit thing, when the customers start to get spread out it's harder to recoup the cost of substations to boost the signal, which is why it isn't available to me, not close enough to a boosting station.

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I'm in the same situation as Phil but the town i live in is behind in the technology stage. They just got dsl put in up town like 3 months ago. I do some games but more just downloading and stuff. As long as it was good enough that i can download over 100mbs faster than the 2 or 3 days it takes me on dial up then i would be happy.

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How many people here live on farms? If you don't even get moderate ADSL, you must be pretty remote.

you don't have to live on a farm. i bet it there wasn't an Air Force Base here, DSL wouldn't be avabile within 100mile radius. there are lots of less populated areas where phone companies haven't layed the hardware necciscary for DSL.

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you dont have to live out in the middle of nevada to not have DSL :) Where I used to live right outside of Birmingham, AL there STILL is no DSL or Cable TV. Its all dependent on if the cable or telephone company think they will make their money back on putting the equipment in. There are more people living in the area than live in some DSL areas but its less affluent and people make less money so they are more likely to not have computers. Distance away from a large city isn't the only factor, although eventually there will be universal broadband, its just a matter of time.

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