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What's Your Favourite Movie?

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Watched About Schmitt last night, highly recommended.

i didn't particularly like (or dislike) this movie. It was eh. There was never really any point to the movie, IMO.

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i didn't particularly like (or dislike) this movie. It was eh. There was never really any point to the movie, IMO


You may just be a little young to appreciate it, and I don't mean any offense when I say that.

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I have a few... take your pick:


The Matrix (that first one really made me think)

Swordfish (just too bad . and made mention of the Carnivore program which I was/am against as well)

American Beauty (speechless)

The Butterfly Effect (never saw a movie tie up so many pieces so incredibly)

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You may just be a little young to appreciate it, and I don't mean any offense when I say that.

lol. this from someone 3 yrs older than me :P


actually i'm very mature for my age, and appreciate a lot of the "older" movies, and classics and such. I just didn't find the movie all that special. To me, movies should have a purpose. All this was was exactly what the title entailed "about schmidt"...it was about his life...how he dealt with his wife's death....i thought the movie was good, but just not deserving of all the hype.


r_target...LOL. yeah, that would be sweet...but that was all just a rumor. it'll never happen.

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Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were 23, I thought you were still a teenager. I must have had you mixed up with someone else--I apologize!


I don't know, I found the movie very touching--very sad. It was a realistic depiction of age laden with anger and lonliness, fear and regret. That's powerful stuff, and of course the plot was understated, as the focus was the conflict within Warren Schmidt. I don't know, I just really appreciated it for what I perceived it to be--a extraordinarily telling portrait of a man who is afflicted in spite of good intentions.

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Two great films that people really should see at some point:


* Leon


*The Boondock Saints (no-one's heard of this superb film!)


What does one's choice in film say about their personality?


(....am i a crazed assassin??)

The french import was called Leon the Professional, not just Leon. The added footage was nice too. I don't know why I own both versions.... Either way Luc Besson is a freaking genious! He also made my other fav movie listed before. The fifth element.


As far as Boondock Saints was concered... I think the word you were looking for was "symbolism" laugh...

"cafe latte......twist of lemon.... sweet & lo....


I forgot the other one I love... Best car chase ever, RONIN! I love that movie... I think I love Jean Reno, Luc Besson, and Gary Oldman too much...

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Excalibur. I saw it in the theaters when I was pretty young too.

war games is a classic not really a favorite.

fifth element


various others lotr

Star wars first films.

close encounters

clockwork orange


too many

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