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I dont mind throwing out the extra cash for a 3.4C if it means i have a better chance at hitting 4ghz w/ a ABIT IC7MAX3 and a water cooling setup, or should i really stick with the 3.2c?


I know i posted this in MB's idk what i was thinking lol...sorry about that

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get a 3.0c......

What about a 3.0e?


I just want which one gives me a better chance of hititng 4ghz, if i wanted which OCs better id get a 2.6/2.8 ive seen those OC over 1ghz, but i dont care how much i OCed it i just want to hit the 4ghz mark

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My bet is if you get a 3.4c you wont hit 4ghz, also I bet if you get a 3.0c you wont hit 4ghz... you MIGHT if your very lucky though. Your never really going to be able to choose a cpu and be guaranteed its gunna hit 4ghz, otherwise everyone would be doing it. Not even the 3.2 extreme edition is guaranteed to hit 4ghz (most can with a good pelt though).


Stick with the northwood "C" series for now.



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Yea unless you buy many cpu's at a time, then "I want 4.0 Ghz" isn't a realistic goal... just something you can hope for.


I've been pondering almost same thing as you, except it's more like just "I want highest possible Ghz (for example 3.85 would be acceptable; not a loss)". Like you I'm not in it for the sport, just high Ghz.


So statistically, which one will score highest Ghz? Just for example, are 3.0c and 3.2c more than likely to reach 240 FSB? Altho 3.4 not a reputed OC'er, is it likewise more than likely to get 230 FSB at least or 225 FSB?


I know you can't say for sure, but any gestimates? Just playing odds here like black jack.


p.s. personally I'd rather not pay for a 3.4, but for you, if it is more than likely to get 230 FSB (or close) then you're almost there... still the likely cost/benefit sounds better with 3.0 or 3.2

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Well you see the thing is, if you get a 3.4c to 3.8ghz (224mhz FSB) theres no way in the world it will beat a 3.0c @ 3.8ghz (254mhz FSB) due to the increase in FSB. Truthfully, I think thats the limits you would get out of both of them anyways. Also the 3.0c will run your ram faster when using 1:1.



Remember, more GHz does NOT mean more speed, not by any means. Id MUCH rather a high FSB than higher Ghz. (At 1:1 divider)

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Well you see the thing is, if you get a 3.4c to 3.8ghz (224mhz FSB) theres no way in the world it will beat a 3.0c @ 3.8ghz (254mhz FSB) due to the increase in FSB.  ......

I seem to recall there would be a slight bench mark difference. Which isn't insignificant if you're talking about how much folding/seti per day you get (per week, etc).


Remember, more GHz does NOT mean more speed, not by any means.  Id MUCH rather a high FSB than higher Ghz. (At 1:1 divider)


Just for the sake of the line of inquiry here... (bench mark difference aside) seems to me you can't discount the CPU simply doing more per second (2.8c does 14 "things" per tick, and 3.2c does 16 "things" per tick at same tick rate... faster processor)


But yea it's true, that for example, a 2.8c @3.2 is technically faster than a 3.2c and a better purchase even with costlier faster RAM priced in.


My bet would be (a relatively uninformed one): 3.2c... reasonable chance for say 3.8 Ghz (237 FSB) and don't need to get that close to or exceed limits of pc4000 ram. A more relaxed OC... not so intensly pushig limits (what I would prefer; just me)... unless 3.2c's are way more risky than 3.0c's ... that I don't know


but again p8baller07 wants a reasonable chance at getting close to "4"... not talking about an impressive OC to boast about per se (or "more for less")

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If you want to see 4ghz get ready to shell out some cash, I would first buy a prometia mach 2 and mod it, then you can start buying P4s a half dozen at a time some 3.0cs will see 4ghz if you get lucky and get the good chip, I have a 3.2EE I saw 4 ghz that is what I wanted to see, that is why I bought it just to overclock and and see what it would do and was not scared of burning anything up! I paid a little over a $1.000.00 for the EE. I have a pelt/water cooling system thats ok if you not running full load all the time it will keep temps down pretty good, but full load 24/7 room temp with it, get the prometia save yourself the trouble, IC7MAX3 is a good board to do it with, it will need some modding as will an Asus if you want to try to see 4 ghz, your going to need a lot of good hardware and money, and not be scared to fry it in a few seconds. I used the system in my sig. with a vdimm voltage mod to see 4 ghz it needed a drop mod but I never did it, a motherboard and videocard latter I just run it at 3.7ghz 24/7 folding now with no mods. I figured I need to get some use out of the expensive chip. Heres what mine done but I am sure would do more with better cooling.

Edited by road-runner

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My bet is if you get a 3.4c you wont hit 4ghz, also I bet if you get a 3.0c you wont hit 4ghz... you MIGHT if your very lucky though.  Your never really going to be able to choose a cpu and be guaranteed its gunna hit 4ghz, otherwise everyone would be doing it.  Not even the 3.2 extreme edition is guaranteed to hit 4ghz (most can with a good pelt though).


Stick with the northwood "C" series for now.



:withstupid: Ya, your best bet is find a place that will let you "hand pick" your CPU. Do some research on what models have the best "chance" to get that high. Check out This page, and this page for a start. Also look at how many caps on on the underside of the cpu, Nuclear has had some "VERY" good oc's with the 3.0c with 30caps -vs- the 12 cap models. And I agree "stick with the northwoods". B)

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