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Create Logo's For Occ And Make $$$$$&#036

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We're wanting some logos made for us to use in articles that we write. This is not the "big contest" that I originally said we were having next. I'm hold off on that one for another month or so. Here is the "award" logos we need:



Hardware Related Awards:

    OCC Recommended
    Editors Choice
    Product of the Year
    Motherboard of the Year
    Video Card of the Year

Gaming Related Awards:

    Game of the Year
    FPS Game Of The Year
    RTS Game Of The Year
    Worst Game Of The Year
    Best Single Player Game Of The Year
    Multiplayer Game Of The Year

Other Awards:

    Product Hall of Shame
    As Seen on OCC (Like the "As Seen On TV" logo)
    what the heck Were They Thinking Award


You should make them all "similar" in style and design (you can make the hardware ones different in style from the gaming ones, or vise versa). Please keep the resolution of them around 200 pixels in width and height, if possible. File size does not really matter so much.. but do try and keep it under 80K. No FLASH files please. I prefer gif or jpeg.


Our name "Overclockers Club" must appear somewhere on the logo or you may use: "www.overclockersclub.com".


You must submit your images as a "group" including all of the requested logos above. You must also provide us an "uncompress" file format. .tiff and/or the originally work file including layers.


I preferred a vector format.

Resolution needs to be at minimum 300 pixels, 600 preferred


We're going to give the winner $75 bucks, $50 Best Buy Gift Card, plus free entrance in to the OCC LAN Party this year! That's $150 bucks worth of stuff. :)


Feel free to submit logo ideas to this thread, for others to see and get ideas from.

If we decide to choose only a couple of your logo's from your group, we will give you $5 for each one we use.


Contest will run for a couple of weeks or until we find a logo group we like.

Once you have completed the group of logo's please send them to: [email protected]



Edited by d3 -

Thought this info might help everyone out.



    Dark Blue COlor used on OCC - #00024A
    Light Blue (Used on Grid) - Not sure exactly - #02008A
    Orange/Gold - #FEA201


    OverclockersClub Text in logo - Concielian (download)
    "Overclocking to the next level" font - Arial (included w/ Windows)
Edited by d3bruts1d

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yeh i was thinking about this while i was delivering news papers.. my current "job"


its gona resemble the last one .. the circular one.. but its gona be better :D


:):) (i hpope)

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ok..ill get right on them..lol..ive made a few graphic that have been a hit here already so ill try..i can probablly do all of them in a week..or so..so ill keep you updated every time i get 5 complete

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