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May Sell This Systemwhat Is A Good Price


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I need to buy my wife a new motorcycle so I need to save up some money. I may sell this system whole or in part. what would you all pay for something like this.

asus a7n8xe-deluxe mobo

amd xp1700 DL3TC JIHUB good oc' although I havent gone past 1900 speed yet.

thermaltake volcano 12 new.

lite on dvd drive black new.

maxtor 40 gig hd.

all aluminum case with window I can't remember the brand. I paid like 100 buck for it a year or so ago.

512mb pc2100 ram

geforce 5600 ultra vid card.

I know how much the parts cost but I know you can't get that much out of them used.

do you think its worth $350 buck or less or more.


thans for any input

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