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Overclocekd My 9500 Pro


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I've got it at 355 core and 320 DDR. I had it at 360 core/320 DDR, but had some serious artifacting in Far Cry. It has been running perfectly at 355/320, though. I am going to see if I can hit 325 DDR.



What speeds have you guys got out of 'em?

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i have basically the same card. It has the same chip and same memory, just with different bandwidth and array. Ive gotten my core up to like 385 and my mem goes to 318 for atitool and most games. Halflife doesnt like my mem past 310 for some reason but the newer games and 3dmark03 like it fine.. go figure.

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My 9700np flashed to pro will hit 350 core and 350 memory before it begins to artifact. The 9700np came at the same clocks as the 9500pro, but has the full 256-bit memory. I got lucky and got samsung ram, hence the nice memory overclock. My core is stubborn as heck though...even on a vga silencer I can't get over 350 core. :(

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Yeah the 9500 is effectively a neutered 9700 as in it only has half the memory bus and unsure of the vertex engines. Effectively these can be unlocked as they are present just not functional. This softmod comes in one of the radeons drivers i can't remember the name thou. (i have a nvidia card so not up on the radeon drivers) Make sure thou you have good cooling like the vga silencer other wise the card won't like it at all. I would recommend researching into it first to make sure your card can handle the softmod cos some can't

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