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How To Control Cpu Fan Speed


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I'm trying to find an applicatoin that can control the CPU fan speed on the Intel D875PBZ motherboard.


Intel has the Desktop Contol Center software that is supposed to do this but, for some reason, it has decide to quit working for me. Not sure why. I think the SMBus is having some trouble.


The problem is that without this software working, the CPU fan no longer speeds up under load and CPU temps are very hot (70C).




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I've tried speedfan and it doesn't seem to be able to do this. I could be not using it correctly though.


I just have to get this fan going faster than 3000 rpm when the processor gets hot and I'm having a hard time finding anything to do the job.



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Hmmmm...are you sure it can go faster than 3000rpm? Um....Try using MBM5 and see if that will work. Also, you could try plugging the cpu fan connector straight into a power line instead of going through the mobo plug...I don't know if you have one, but I have an adapter to plug a 3-pin fan into a standard 4-pin molex connector. That way the fan will always run full speed.

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I never let anything "automatic" control my CPU fan.. don't see the point.


I'm thinking that I have to agree with that.


I have tried MBM 5 and SpeedFan. Niether of them seem to be able to speed up stock processor fan. Intel's software used to do this, but it won't run any longer for whatever reason. Still waiting on response from them about that.


I think all this is due to some SMBus problems, but I can't figure out how to fix these problems and they don't seem to affect normal operation of the computer.


Sounds like an aftermarket heatsink/fan setup is gonna be the answer. I guess Intel's D875PBZ wasn't the best motherboard choice. Worked for 6 months anyway.




Edited by tcharp

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u can pick up a pretty decent cooler for little money if your not overclocking

Can't OC on intel boards anyway, so that's not an issue. (okay, some newer intel boards allow "mini-overclocking"...but really, like 5% more clock speed doesn't do jack)

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Can't overclock with this board. I'm kinda baffled by all of this. This is a Xaser III case with 7 case fans, 2 pwr sup fans on the Antec 550, 2 fans on the Asus 9800XT and a fan on the P4. Without overclocking, I never figured I would have a problem with this thing overheating.


And when Intel's Desktop Control Center software was working, I often saw the processor fan at over 5000 if I was playin' some game. Without that software working, the fan never speeds up.


I'm thinking, if I haven't burned this P4 up already, that an Aopen mobo and a huge aftermarket heatsink/fan might be a better plan. The support from Aopen can't be any worse than what I'm getting from Intel, which is zip.



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