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Fried I Need Help!

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ok I let my friend OC my system in Signture ,

he changed it to a FSB of 145 , Vcore of 1.650, Ram settings of 2,2,2,12

Now it wont boot , no post no nothing , I tried Reseting cmos , pulled the battery, Tried new viddy ,

WHat do you think could be wrong with it?



I have a AMD 2200 (133 FSB) (1.6 Vcore stock)

A7n8x Dlx

Corsair pc 3200 Dual Channel @:256's




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the A7n8x is known to just die after changing bios settings. for some reson the asus bios gets easily corrupted for some unknown reason. i really dont see taking the fsb to 145 and uping the voltage frying any component in you system. any way you can test the ram cpu,and video card ? that would help you narrow it down to what failed


i have personally went thru 4 a7n8x dlx boards since they were first introduced seems about every 6 months it would just die. if it is you mobo try to see if the seller has a rma process. i know newegg handles mobo rma for up to year after purchase. if the seller doesnt have a rma for the mobo youll have to go thru asus for the rma.

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Adjust your memory timings back to stock if you can get back into bios. If you set them to tight then you can have that happen. My a7n8x did that a couple of times trying to run the timings to tight for the ram i had.

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I tired start it with ram plugged in , nothing , Tired a new video card , I guess I call ASUS :(

Is an option getting a retail unprogrammed bios chips , WHere could i get one

or does any boidy know THat one place where Asus gets thier Bios chips , maybe i could buy one off them

iTs PCB 2.0

Edited by Shadowfactor

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