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Google Cars Have Been in 11 Accidents, At Fault in None

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The director of Google's self-driving car program, Chris Urmson, has revealed some information about the progress of the program, in response to an article that noted the cars had been in four accidents in California. The cars have been on the road for six years and have accumulated a total distance of 1.7 million miles driven. The mileage is split between autonomous and manual driving modes, with the car driving itself for more than one million of those miles. In that time a total of 11 minor accidents, or those with minor damage and no injuries, were reported. The most significant aspect of this information is that the self-driving car was not at fault in any of the 11 accidents. Google is making the best of the situation and uses data collected from accidents to help improve the self-driving algorithms that power the cars.

Source: Backchannel via Popular Science

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I saw a headline about this a couple of days ago from mainstream media, noticed that it DID NOT say which vehicle was at fault. I immediately thought "gee, this will make the anti-technology people jump for joy" I think self driving cars are a good idea. One of my reasons is as follows: I doubt you can give a DUI to a computer. To those worrying about a BSOD. Look up haw many computer are already in you car.


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i cant wait for this to be in full production

its no secret we Americans can not be trust behind the wheel  :teehee:

i no longer drive but as a passenger i've witnessed 

7 out of 10 drivers on their cell phones

applying makeup  

eating and reading 

and changing clothes. as a cyclist i have been hit 4 times broken leg 3 broken ribs and fractured orbital socket plus 3 major concussions

none of which i was at fault i welcome auto cars. on a lighter note i cant help being reminded of hot tub time machine 2 lol   

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i cant wait for this to be in full production

its no secret we Americans can not be trust behind the wheel  :teehee:

i no longer drive but as a passenger i've witnessed 

7 out of 10 drivers on their cell phones

applying makeup  

eating and reading 

and changing clothes. as a cyclist i have been hit 4 times broken leg 3 broken ribs and fractured orbital socket plus 3 major concussions

none of which i was at fault i welcome auto cars. on a lighter note i cant help being reminded of hot tub time machine 2 lol   

I agree!

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i cant wait for this to be in full production

its no secret we Americans can not be trust behind the wheel  :teehee:

i no longer drive but as a passenger i've witnessed 

7 out of 10 drivers on their cell phones

applying makeup  

eating and reading 

and changing clothes. as a cyclist i have been hit 4 times broken leg 3 broken ribs and fractured orbital socket plus 3 major concussions

none of which i was at fault i welcome auto cars. on a lighter note i cant help being reminded of hot tub time machine 2 lol   

3rded, I drive and also ride so the more idiots off the road the better. Plus if autonomous cars become prevalent, no more traffic because the logic will be perfect!

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