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Will overclock solve 1080p movies run problems?


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Hi everyone! Will overclock solve 1080p movies run problems?
I need help running @1080p movies with my old computer.
Is there any technical solution and what should I overclock in this case?

Exactly the same movie (example .mp4 files H.264 encoded clips):
@720p no problems at all, runs perfectly.
@1080p can't play it smoothly.



CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 2.01GHz
GPU: ASUS ATI Radeon A9600Pro 128Mb
RAM: 3Gb
OS: WIN 7 Ultimate x64 + SP1 (clean install last month)


CODECS: K-Lite Mega Codec Pack v10.32 full features configurated to MPC, WMP and BS.
CoreAVC Codecs v1.8.5 configurated with KMP.

PLAYERS: MPC-HC v1.7.3, WMP v12, VLC v2.1.2, BS v2.66, KMP v3.8

Please, don't need the 'buy a new pc' advice, I know I built this one at 2005.
I'm just asking for troubleshooting about this issue with this machine since I only pretend it for internet usage, watch some decent movies and eventually play a few old-school games.

My CPU usage when playing the movie
@720p jumps around 56% - 100%, but mostly uses +/-80%.
@1080p is always 100%

I don't know if it matters but the memory either way is always around 42% which is +/-1.27Gb
If it helps, here's some facts about problems noticed using different players @1080p:

MPC - Audio almost sync but turns off constantly through the film. Video full of grain as moving tiny squares (watchable but not smoothly).

WMP - Audio very low. Video full of big squares moving everytime (unwatchable).

BS - Audio very low. Video full of grain as moving little squares. Completly out of sync.

VLC - Video so choppy it's a slideshow and full of squares. Almost sync.

KMP - Video full of squares most of time. Totally out of sync.

Thanks for your attention.
I hope some brilliant mind can solve this problem. 

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a 3000+ ?1? thats a very old computer. The only thing I can think of is using VLC player and a different video card to offload the decoding of H.264 . H.264 uses a lot of CPU power and overclocking a single core cpu isn't going to do much. Your best bet is what I said above but maybe a overclock will help. It's been about 10 years since I had a AMD 3000+ and 1080p footage wasn't really around than.

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Also, I don't know about everyone else, but when I start installing 3rd party codec packs and multiple media players I always end up with a hodge podge of players where none of them seem to work as well as they should.


I've got to the point where I install VLC and PowerDVD (for bluray only) and leave everything else alone.

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I've got to the point where I install VLC and PowerDVD (for bluray only) and leave everything else alone.



As long as you have a GPU that can do video decoding in hardware (which is an option in VLC) even high bitrate 1080p should be fine on that CPU. Without it though...that's a whole 'nother story. :cheers:

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Both the CPU and GPU are over ten years old. I think it's time to upgrade.



But yes, video card is the issue. That's why whenever someone asks me advice about building/buying a PC, even if it's just for casual use, I always recommend a discrete video card over integrated crap, because it can make a huge difference for even something as simple as watching HD YouTube/Netflix videos.

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I always recommend a discrete video card over integrated crap, because it can make a huge difference for even something as simple as watching HD YouTube/Netflix videos.

True in the past, not today. Integrated video from both AMD and Intel is more than enough for 99.9% of the population.

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