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R9 290X...The game changer


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I wouldn't say it beats them both. There is no clear winner, the sad fact of the matter is that AMD waited 8 Months to do something, now NVIDIA is gearing up for two more launches as well as a full new lineup come the first of the year. :(


Everyone wants to say AMD screwed NVIDIA when in fact its AMD that screwed everyone else. NVIDIA commanded those prices because they could, nothing could touch them. As soon as AMD comes out with cards that barely beat their cards NVIDIA lowers the price, by a huge amount not to mention if you look at the holiday bundle its a better deal then AMD offers. Good job AMD your only 8 months late to the party :(


Everyone wants to say this is a win, its not. The finally launched a new card that beat NVIDIA's well I would hope so since you had 8 months to come up with an answer. And what kind of company continues to use beta drivers as official drivers???? What happened to the big talk about all new drivers no more beta stuff uh huh that worked out just fine as usual.


I am just so sick of AMD saying they are here for the gamers when clearly it seems the opposite sometimes. :wallbash:

Yeah but usually they'll come out later and perform just under Nvidia's cards anyway. It's still nice for them to actually have a single core out perform Nvidia's single core, if only temporarily. I see what you're saying though...I guess we'll have to see what actually happens next based on what we know about the future tech roadmaps

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Also everybody wants to complain about the tdp yes 220 is extreme but correct me if I'm mistaken but IF you even could bring a 4770 to 4.7 ghz you would use omething like 350 watts so I don't understand what the deal is with everybody whining about the tdp



You'll be lucky to get over 5.5 with any sort of stability.


As for the 4770K, 4.7 GHz is nowhere near 350 watts. The whole system with a GPU, maybe, but not just the CPU. I believe we measured around 150 watts with ours at 4.7 GHz.

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Also everybody wants to complain about the tdp yes 220 is extreme but correct me if I'm mistaken but IF you even could bring a 4770 to 4.7 ghz you would use omething like 350 watts so I don't understand what the deal is with everybody whining about the tdp


You'll be lucky to get over 5.5 with any sort of stability.


As for the 4770K, 4.7 GHz is nowhere near 350 watts. The whole system with a GPU, maybe, but not just the CPU. I believe we measured around 150 watts with ours at 4.7 GHz.


Im running 4.5 with water cooling and high end cards and get close to 400 Watts for the system with an overclocked video card.  

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Also everybody wants to complain about the tdp yes 220 is extreme but correct me if I'm mistaken but IF you even could bring a 4770 to 4.7 ghz you would use omething like 350 watts so I don't understand what the deal is with everybody whining about the tdp


You'll be lucky to get over 5.5 with any sort of stability.


As for the 4770K, 4.7 GHz is nowhere near 350 watts. The whole system with a GPU, maybe, but not just the CPU. I believe we measured around 150 watts with ours at 4.7 GHz.


Alright Labrat I stand corrected on the wattage I used extreme power supply calculator and your are right. I don't know which forum I read that on I should double checked first. Now as for the 5.5 I will tell you what hmmm....I like a challenge so I have to give it a shot the real trick ultimately is to reach 6000 ghz with only an increase in vcore from 1.5 to 1.55 otherwise you go above 300 watts which is the max wattage recommended to go through the formula -z's socket so this may all be moot anyway but I will tell you what I want to give it a shot and lets see what happens. I'm going to try to do some overclocking with my zalman reserator max 3 it is supposed to be designed to cool 400 watts but I'm skeptical So a this point if I turn of the turbo core and keep it a constant 5.0 ghz with a closed loop I will be happy.  


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I can't believe nobody is talking about this!


Seriously this has made me so happy to see what a beast was released at such a price, kicking the ass of more expensive cards!


I'm so proud of AMD!

my only complaint with this ivy is that they decide to use a crappy cooler like that so design a card that has the potential to be an overclocking beast in some ways and you really cant take advantage of the headroom because of the fact you have a lousy cooler I think in some ways AMD cheaped out a little because they were in a Pissing contest with Nvidia and wanted to give us something that outperforms the 780 at less of a price. If you want my opinion What they should have done is put on a better cooler similar to the 780 released it a the same or maybe even god forbid a little steeper and given us a solution for cooling that could take full advantage of the full potential of the improvements to the Hawaii Chip and the power delivery features. Other than that I would say it is a kickass card and there is not question as for a dollar/performance ratio it seriously whops the titan. The 780 eh I would actually say its somewhat of a wash just because of the fact it does outperform it but by so little I would say in part because the cooler doesn't allow it to take advantage of the full potential it has. No I will say this when Sapphire and the other partners start making the modified versions of this card and have the decent coolers than we will see what the real power of this beast is and I will bet you then we will see what this card really can do and will really love it.

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I can't believe nobody is talking about this!


Seriously this has made me so happy to see what a beast was released at such a price, kicking the ass of more expensive cards!


I'm so proud of AMD!

my only complaint with this ivy is that they decide to use a crappy cooler like that so design a card that has the potential to be an overclocking beast in some ways and you really cant take advantage of the headroom because of the fact you have a lousy cooler I think in some ways AMD cheaped out a little because they were in a Pissing contest with Nvidia and wanted to give us something that outperforms the 780 at less of a price. If you want my opinion What they should have done is put on a better cooler similar to the 780 released it a the same or maybe even god forbid a little steeper and given us a solution for cooling that could take full advantage of the full potential of the improvements to the Hawaii Chip and the power delivery features. Other than that I would say it is a kickass card and there is not question as for a dollar/performance ratio it seriously whops the titan. The 780 eh I would actually say its somewhat of a wash just because of the fact it does outperform it but by so little I would say in part because the cooler doesn't allow it to take advantage of the full potential it has. No I will say this when Sapphire and the other partners start making the modified versions of this card and have the decent coolers than we will see what the real power of this beast is and I will bet you then we will see what this card really can do and will really love it.


Yeah, that's what I don't see a problem. The aftermarket improved models will take care of the subpar cooling, I mean, reference coolers are rarely great which gives the aftermarket coolers more value

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I can't believe nobody is talking about this!


Seriously this has made me so happy to see what a beast was released at such a price, kicking the ass of more expensive cards!


I'm so proud of AMD!

my only complaint with this ivy is that they decide to use a crappy cooler like that so design a card that has the potential to be an overclocking beast in some ways and you really cant take advantage of the headroom because of the fact you have a lousy cooler I think in some ways AMD cheaped out a little because they were in a Pissing contest with Nvidia and wanted to give us something that outperforms the 780 at less of a price. If you want my opinion What they should have done is put on a better cooler similar to the 780 released it a the same or maybe even god forbid a little steeper and given us a solution for cooling that could take full advantage of the full potential of the improvements to the Hawaii Chip and the power delivery features. Other than that I would say it is a kickass card and there is not question as for a dollar/performance ratio it seriously whops the titan. The 780 eh I would actually say its somewhat of a wash just because of the fact it does outperform it but by so little I would say in part because the cooler doesn't allow it to take advantage of the full potential it has. No I will say this when Sapphire and the other partners start making the modified versions of this card and have the decent coolers than we will see what the real power of this beast is and I will bet you then we will see what this card really can do and will really love it.


Yeah, that's what I don't see a problem. The aftermarket improved models will take care of the subpar cooling, I mean, reference coolers are rarely great which gives the aftermarket coolers more value


Exactly which is why I don't see it being a real problem

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I can't believe nobody is talking about this!


Seriously this has made me so happy to see what a beast was released at such a price, kicking the ass of more expensive cards!


I'm so proud of AMD!

my only complaint with this ivy is that they decide to use a crappy cooler like that so design a card that has the potential to be an overclocking beast in some ways and you really cant take advantage of the headroom because of the fact you have a lousy cooler I think in some ways AMD cheaped out a little because they were in a Pissing contest with Nvidia and wanted to give us something that outperforms the 780 at less of a price. If you want my opinion What they should have done is put on a better cooler similar to the 780 released it a the same or maybe even god forbid a little steeper and given us a solution for cooling that could take full advantage of the full potential of the improvements to the Hawaii Chip and the power delivery features. Other than that I would say it is a kickass card and there is not question as for a dollar/performance ratio it seriously whops the titan. The 780 eh I would actually say its somewhat of a wash just because of the fact it does outperform it but by so little I would say in part because the cooler doesn't allow it to take advantage of the full potential it has. No I will say this when Sapphire and the other partners start making the modified versions of this card and have the decent coolers than we will see what the real power of this beast is and I will bet you then we will see what this card really can do and will really love it.


Yeah, that's what I don't see a problem. The aftermarket improved models will take care of the subpar cooling, I mean, reference coolers are rarely great which gives the aftermarket coolers more value


Exactly which is why I don't see it being a real problem


I mean lets be honest from the reviews I see all of them especially sapphire do a good job of putting together a card with a kick ass cooler. Also does anybody know if EVGA and XFX are still the only two Manufactures that cover support for overclocking in their warranty and customer service

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The 290 is out for $399, true game changer with performance around 5% less than the 290X. Still they need better coolers.


I dont have a 290 yet but if it has the same quiet mode / Uber mode switching then the numbers you see may not be truly accurate once the card heats up in quiet mode. 

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The 290 is out for $399, true game changer with performance around 5% less than the 290X. Still they need better coolers.


I dont have a 290 yet but if it has the same quiet mode / Uber mode switching then the numbers you see may not be truly accurate once the card heats up in quiet mode. 



The card doesn't have an uber mode, it does have dual BIOS but the second serves no function apparently, the fan speed has been upped to 47% which is the reason for the delayed launch so what you see is what you get. Once non ref. coolers are out we can see the real potential of these cards.


Tom's Hardware even tried it with an aftermarket cooler


Edited by DanTheGamer11

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