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Watercooling loop

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Very cool idea   :)


I like it.  Although you don't really need a two radiators to handle the heat transfer of just a cpu, especially not two the size you're using..................


I know that, but I've already bought all these parts, and sell them here in Peru will be very difficult, for that reason I'll keep all those parts and make two independent loops. Hope not to have problems with leaking (using Swiftech and Monsoon compression fittings mostly). Once finished will post the pics of my honored RIG. :D
Thanks D.
"edit" added PS
PS. What You think about these loops:
1. CPU Loop: MCR-220 (with integrated MCP35x pump and reservoir) --> CPU --> 200 Rad --> MCR-220
2. GPU Loop: Pump (MCP 655B) --> GPU1 --> GPU2 --> 360 Rad --> Res --> Pump
Edited by Smiki007

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Just use the mcr-220 on the CPU and the brunt of the cooling on the GPUs if you want to split the loops.


Especially if you have 2x 780 or Titan GPUs they're going to be far hotter under your normal use than the CPU will ever be unless your use is heavily skewed to lots of CPU intense work.

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No argument from me there.  As I mentioned earlier, simplicity is Golden, and the fewer connecting points the less likely an unexpected leak.


But if the OP is going to use 2 radiators (max I would recommend) then using the smaller one for the cpu and larger one for the gpus makes some sense.

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Whenever I get my 4770K setup going (and yes, I will be removing the IHS to replace the TIM) I've got three, yes three, 360mm radiators ready just for CPU cooling. Overkill? Nah. :lol:

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Great job Smiki!


It's always nice to use parts & hardware from a previous build in a new system, running the MCR-220 w/MCP35X on second loop.. :thumbsup:

Lots of folks use second loop for graphics cards, it gives you the flexibility to quickly swap out cards or test cards on air while having dedicated loop for CPU.

Edited by Braegnok

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Great job Smiki!


It's always nice to use parts & hardware from a previous build in a new system, running the MCR-220 w/MCP35X on second loop.. :thumbsup:

Lots of folks use second loop for graphics cards, it gives you the flexibility to quickly swap out cards or test cards on air while having dedicated loop for CPU.

Thanks Braegnok.

Now, this sketch shows better what I'd planed to do:

Now I would like to know which loop is better and more effective (note that I have two different pumps, one MCP35x integrated into 240 radiator and one MCP655B installed at the bottom of the case, and also I would like to use all LC parts that I have).

Actually one of my colleagues (Hydrodynamic / Mechanic specialist), told me that I can go with one loop and the pumps does not interferes nor diminish the head pressure (flow rate) having only the one loop (like shown in the sketch), and also tubing is arranged much better then in two loops option.

Edited by Smiki007

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We told you earlier the two pumps would be fine haha. And again I would want more cooling on 2x 780/titan GPUs which means single loop is best as cooling is shared.

I know, I know, I just wanted to perfect everything and be sure.

Thanks anyway.

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