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Should I trade my EVGA GTX 590 Classified for an EVGA GTX 680?


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Should I trade my EVGA GTX 590 Classified for a reference EVGA GTX 680? Performance-wise, they're pretty neck and neck, though the GTX 680 is a bit more power efficient. However, I already have GTX 680's so don't need another, and having a GTX 590 Classified is kind of nice to have. I was going to get a full cover waterblock for it and keep it around just for nostalgia's sake - it's the only dual gpu card I've ever had.

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If you already have the 680 I'd keep the 590, in 12 months there will be lots of 680's for sale but 590's are getting hard to get .

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but then again, with the GTX 700's coming out, no one would really be looking at getting a GTX 590.

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Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but then again, with the GTX 700's coming out, no one would really be looking at getting a GTX 590.


I would swap, the 590 will go the way of the 295, and will not be as easy to resell as the 680

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You should totally trade me that GTX 590 for my GTX 570! Before you laugh and go on your way, here is a Pro/Con list.


(This list assumes you are not currently using the 590 in your primary machine.)


Pros for trading your 590 for my 570!

  • More people have 570s so there is more possible interest for SLI configurations and you need your excess cards to have high turnover ratios, not cool factor ratios
  • As much money as a 590 would go for people would more likely opt for a newer gen card
  • The 570 uses less power
  • The 570 generates this heat
  • This one might not apply, but you probably removed the fan to install a waterblock which makes interest even more of a niche market
  • If you get great performance from a GTX 590 people will just nod. If you get rockstar performance from a 570 people will want your "golden card"


Cons for trading your 590 for my 570

  • none

The Pros speak!

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