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Noctua NH-D14 VS Corsair H60\H80

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You'd have to try awful hard to blow it up or fry it :) But as others have pointed out, you are very limited on the non-K version because you can't adjust the multiplier. I'm in the camp of many others when it comes to the socket 1155 and base clock adjustment. Probably best to leave it at stock or at minimum be very conservative with the adjustment, maybe 1 - 3Mhz at most.


That may bring you back to the cooler question........... do you really need to spend the money right now on upgraded cooling? That doesn't seem to make much sense unless you plan on keeping the cooling long term for a future upgrade. Maybe drop the D14 thinking and put that money towards more memory or even a 128Gb SSD. I'm seeing 128Gb SSDs on sale for sub-$100 and that would be a great upgrade if you aren't already using one.


If you're currently running 4Gb of memory (I don't know) you might consider upping your memory to 8Gb, that would also be another good upgrade.


Actually i am looking for a long-term cooler , one that will last for at least 3 years :) Abour the ram , i currently have 8GB of ram , but upon upgrading my motherboard i'll be able to use another 4 GB of ram that my brother has and doesnt use ( the ram is practically new , he just insta-changed his stock ram with a 16GB set :P when he bought his pc last xmas) and concerning the SSD , the price of a 120GB SSD is currently 78 euros , aprox 89ish dollars in my country :O!

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If you don't plan on upgrading to a K model processor don't even bother with either the Noctua, Corsair Coolers or the Z77 Sabretooth mobo rather do as Tjj226_Angel suggests. It'll save you a latrine full of cash.

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If you don't plan on upgrading to a K model processor don't even bother with either the Noctua, Corsair Coolers or the Z77 Sabretooth mobo rather do as Tjj226_Angel suggests. It'll save you a latrine full of cash.


Thing is im planing on upgrading my GPU to a GTX 670 Jetstream , i need the mobo because my current one won't support it , plus it won't support 12GB of ram , i will upgrade to a K version later on , mid 2013 :)

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To be honest i'd rather not tinker with the volatege or overclocking this AT ALL in fear of it just blowing up\frying and so on :P i'll just keep it till it reaches its end of days and then replace it with a i5-3570k or an i7-3770k and do my overclock on those :D


Blowing up a proc is tough to do. I have had 1.9volts through my i5 750 at 6.1Ghz last year (absolute suicide run) and it still works like a charm. I also had it stuck in my open window with the case open and it was 30 degrees below zero that night.

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Foxconn H61 MVX would support any PCIe 2.0/3.0 x16 video card, yes a 670. mATX, ONLY 2 RAM slots true. No SATA6/USB3. 1333 RAM SPEED.


Correct a new motherboard is indicated. (IF you want 16 GB RAM, to 1600 or more, SATA6 SSD performance (likely upgrade)).


A Z68 or H77 motherboard, lower tier would be fine, without a K chip to overclock top end motherboards are not necessary, just a good one.





exc mATX Z77



You intent to use RAM in your possession, what is the height of the heatspreaders? This should influence cooler choice.


What case, so we know which air coolers will fit and whether water cooling is supported?


Just trying not to assume

Edited by ohldboy

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Foxconn H61 MVX would support any PCIe 2.0/3.0 x16 video card, yes a 670. mATX, ONLY 2 RAM slots true. No SATA6/USB3. 1333 RAM SPEED.


Correct a new motherboard is indicated. (IF you want 16 GB RAM, to 1600 or more, SATA6 SSD performance (likely upgrade)).


A Z68 or H77 motherboard, lower tier would be fine, without a K chip to overclock top end motherboards are not necessary, just a good one.





exc mATX Z77



You intent to use RAM in your possession, what is the height of the heatspreaders? This should influence cooler choice.


What case, so we know which air coolers will fit and whether water cooling is supported?


Just trying not to assume


Actually im really persisting on the Sabertooth , i want a good mobo for future upgrades and one to last ! i'm planing on getting an SSD , a 128GB one costs 80 euros , rather cheap if you ask me , thing is , i already have a 600W PSU and dont't really know if i need to buy a new one for the GTX 670 and new mobo , i already have put a 750W PSu in my "cost list" if a new PSU is not required then i'll spend the money on an SSD :) but yeah , im rather persistant on the Mobo , dont get me wrong i'm not ignoring or downgrading the fact that you're trying to help me make the best money\performance choice on mobo , but im's sticking with the Sabertooth one :)

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You intent to use RAM in your possession, what is the height of the heatspreaders? This should influence cooler choice.


What case, so we know which air coolers will fit and whether water cooling is supported?


Just trying not to assume


Forgot to answer this part :P , im currently using the XMS3 corsair 8GB ram which consist of 2 RAM memories ( low profile) the other 4GB also 2 RAM memories are low profile too so i don't think there will be any issues regarding the instalation of the cooler , as for the case im using the Haf 922!

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Just - before you spend money on a larger power supply..... what brand and model 650W do you currently have running in your system? If it's a high quality unit you may be just fine without upgrading the power supply just yet.

Good call on the SSD :)

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Thing is im planing on upgrading my GPU to a GTX 670 Jetstream , i need the mobo because my current one won't support it , plus it won't support 12GB of ram , i will upgrade to a K version later on , mid 2013 :)



If you are waiting till mid-2013 to do all these upgrades (new processor, new video card, new motherboard, new RAM kit) why not just a whole new computer with Haswell. Ivy Bridge is in the same family line as Sandy (Intel uses tick/tock) so it wasn't much of an upgrade. Haswell starts a new family tree and should be out by mid-2013.


Just a thought.

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