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6870 sli vs gtx 580


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I have a guy that I work with whos looking at two used cards. He has an amd HD 6870 and is looking at another one of those but also can get a good deal on a evga gtx 580.

I feel the 580 would be the better choice. What do you guys think would be for better gaming ?

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There's only been one person whose HD 6870's in Xfire that could outperform my GTX 460 1GB's in SLI when overclocked. However, the HD 6870's in Xfire and GTX 460 1GB's in SLI outperformed any single overclocked GTX 580 I ever had.


However, some newer games don't support Xfire (AMD driver issues). Either is a good set-up, but I would recommend a single GTX 580. When I had two HD 6870's in Xfire, I didn't like it much. There were some obvious microstuttering going on due to low MIN FPS.

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Thanks for the reply. All the reviews I have read also say that the crossfire is faster. being that he has 1 of the amd cards already it still would make since for him to go with 2 HD 6870's.

It look's I will be getting the gtx580 from someone here at work for 250.00 dollars, then doing sli with them in place of my amd 5970. :thumbsup:

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I'd get the gtx580. Crossfire is good...when it actually works. The last two games I played I had to disable crossfire to get better frame rates. Black Mesa and TL2 fyi. Oh and Dead Island before that also had to be disabled or it would constantly crash.

Edited by Coors

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Thanks guys.I'm gonna let him borrow my sons gtx 580 for a week so he can see how he likes it. I plan on keeping sons card and adding another gtx 580 for sli and giving him my HD 5970 . It will be an upgrade for both of us .

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